When in Utah

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When I first shot my bow and arrow, I thought it was beginners luck. Then I realized that I had a gift for it, because of my mother and blah blah. But now I believe I have beginners unluck or however you want to call it. My first time ever in a plane and it was going to crash.

"I don't want to die yet" Alanna cried completely scared because of our predicament

'We're not going to die today. Not on my watch at least'  I opened the emergency exit door, which made an inflatable life boat.

"How are going to need that?!" Alanna yelled

"Shut up and hop into it. It's the best thing we've got" I yelled at her trying to calm myself down. As soon as we were both in the life rack, I separated it from the falling place until I realized something.

"We're falling!!!"

"Really? I thought the earth was just moving closer to us!" Alanna replied sarcastically

"What do we do?! My powers won't help me!!" I panicked

"Okay let's just think,"

"Think my ass. I'm saving at least one of us right now" I hugged her tightly and jumped out of the life rack, which was going to fall onto some rocks. Positioning myself towards the ground, I prepared for impact on the ground. First thing I felt were tree branches coming in contact with my skin, some impaling my legs and abdomen. Surely I was not going to survive this. The blood loss was so much I was not even conscious when we made impact on the ground.

When I woke up, I found myself in the back seat of an SUV. I tried to sit up but I was found unable to move anything other than my arms.

"Ugh" i accidentally made a sound

"Well guess who woke up. Not to worry, we're near Utah right now. Few more hours and we should arrive to California. Around a day or so, which is probably how long it'll take you to make a full recovery,"  Alanna explained to me. It was weird, I knew exactly what she was saying yet my mind just got 'wellgsixbs laskgodsj alshsiab woxjsksb California skdbfocbs revxlxja'

"My head hurts," I groaned "give me a pill"

"No you drug addict. I gave you enough so now you have to deal with the pain. Now shut up and listen to the radio,"

"How did you even get this car?" I asked her

"None of your business. Now shut up or I'll shut you up"

The songs on the radio were all the same six songs. Bubbly, love song, bleeding love, when you're gone, umbrella and girlfriend. All of the Avril Lavigne songs reminded me of Thalia.

"Alanna, can I as you a question?"

"I thought I told you to shut up"

"It's serious"

"Fine what is it"

"I had this girlfriend, she was on the quest. But basically I got mad and went off and, in the process, we might've broken up. But I still love her, I don't want to lose her. What should I tell her?"

"Well first of all, congrats Casanova in finally settling down. A big step for you,"


"You want my help? Then listen to me. Tell her you're sorry, but be sincere. Tell her that your mother being trapped under the sky had some effect on you, that you would never hurt her intentionally or ever hurt her ever again. Tell her she's the continuous source of inspiration of your life. How does that sound?"

"I guess pretty good. Are we going to stop to eat  and sleep somewhere or are we just going to starve and freeze to death?"

"I just took a food exit genius. We're going to Outback Steakhouse! So you can get your favorite: steak. How does that sound?"

"You has me at outback mate!"

"Thank gods we're arriving. I can't deal with your bad grammar for another minute,"

"Leave it be Alanna. Me has hunger"

And so we ate our good 16pound steak with a side of Mac and cheese. Nothing better than eating a good ol' steak. Seriously, vegans and vegetarians are missing out on so much. Sucks to be them. Oh well, that means there's more steak in the world for me.

After we ate, we tried to ask for a hotel, but they told us that the nearest one was 5 hours away.

"There's no way we can go 5 hours away just for a hotel. Guess we have to sleep in the car," Alanna complained

"Say what now"

"Oh please. I will not drive five hours for a hotel and it's better this way. We both sleep here and as soon as I wake up we can head onwards with our trip," She did have a point. Plus, I needed to rest so my injuries could get healed completely.

"Fine you win. But I don't want to freeze to death" I told her

"You sound like you have never spent a day camping in winter with me. Remember the first rule?"

"Not eat your sandwich?"

"That's the second rule. The first rule is body heat. Let's just sleep together and we'll stay hot," Ok that sounded so wrong. It took me a minute to finally realize what she had meant, and another minute for my blush to come down.

"Alright. We'll sleep together. No homo tho"

"Didn't know you were a girl Slacker"

"I meant it...forget it. Let's just go to sleep and get it over with,"

And so we spooned in a really non-romantic way. It was purely survival. And if y'all think it wasn't survival, then you clearly haven't been in a situation where you can freeze to death.

Unfortunately, life has a way of screwing things up. Alanna was already sleeping while I was watching the moonless sky, being the big spoon by the way, when suddenly an Iris message appeared in front of me. And just my luck, Thalia stood in the Iris message looking more heartbroken than ever.

"Thalía it isn't what it looks li-"

"Save it. It was my error for actually believing you had changed. Gods and here I thought you were sad also and that we could work things out while you were fucking some other girl not even two days after we broke up?! I don't even want to see you ever again. Understand?! And don't call me, it'll be a waste of drachmas," she basically yelled with tears coming down her cheeks

"No wait" I tried to tell her but she just swiped her hand through the mist, ending the call.

'I hate my fucking life' I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

Jagger Buckley: forbidden child (Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now