Beating up a ferret

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Have you ever met someone and when you started talking had an instant connection to them? I'm not saying romantically, it's just that you click.

Well believe it or not, that's exactly what happened with the goddess Artemis. Sure, she was leader of my anti-fan club, but there was just something with her. Might've been the fact that she was the only one who didn't want to kill me, might've been the fact that she didn't really glare at me, it could've been lots of things. One thing is for sure, I was not just an average boy to her.

She ordered the Hunters to set up camp, which they did in like five minutes. Artemis then went to her tent with the new demigod girl, Bianca di Angelo I think. The little boy, Nico di Angelo, wanted to go with his sister, but Artemis basically led Grover on to make him watch the boy.

While the girl Bianca and Artemis talked in her tent, Grover and the rest of the demigods (Thalia, the young boy Nico, Percy and I) sat on a log. I sat next to Thalia, trying to lift her spirits up a little, but she was just way too mad at Percy for me to be able to do anything.

Percy seemed sad, having just lost his "best friend" and sexual tension partner.

Nico di Angelo, one of the kids we just rescued, did not seem to sense the vibe of dread that was consuming all of us (well, almost all. I really didn't care as I didn't like Annabeth). He kept asking so many questions that actually considered putting an arrow through his head.

He asked many stuff to Percy, such as if he used his sword as a pen, if it ever ran out of ink, if he was a son of Poseidon, if he was good at surfing and that, if Annabeth was a daughter of Athena and supposedly smart, why did she fall off a cliff. I barely contained my laugh, while Percy looked ready to kill Nico.

Before he could do anything, the great lieutenant of the silver Girl Scouts came towards us, obviously glaring daggers at me.

"My lady wishes the presence of the two boys" she said pointing her finger at both Percy and I

"Why Zoë, hasn't anybody told you that pointing fingers is of bad taste?" I said while stretching my way out of my seat

"Thy doesn't deserve respect"

"That may be true, but a goddess just asked for my presence. In other words, I must be important, more so than you" I winked at her and walked like three steps then turned around.

"Lead the way ferret" I told Zoë. For the first time she just ignored me and walked past me in a fast pace. I began to follow her with Percy at my side.

"What's up without her?" He asked me. I turned my head towards him and spoke

"Don't talk to me so much. Just because the same person hates us doesn't mean we're friends"

He seemed sad, and I knew I was being mean. I just couldn't help it when a kid was being so annoying and thinking he's better than everyone else because of his father. Sure he didn't act that way, but I just sensed how he thought, just like a person like him would.

The task of befriending him had been much more difficult than I had initially thought. At first I was amazed on how he could defeat the Minotaur without training, but after retrieving the Lighting Bolt, he thought that every quest was for him. A perfect example is the quest for the Golden Fleece. It was given to Clarisse by Talantos, but Percy appointed himself because "he had the idea first" or something like that.

In other words, I don't consider Perseus Jackson my friend, nor my enemy. He's the kid that you don't talk to from your class that you don't really like, but at the same time you wouldn't do anything to him (for now).

Jagger Buckley: forbidden child (Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now