You are the weakest link

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So close but yet so far away.

I was literally around 200 steps from my mother. Just needed to climb a little more. The mountain wasn't all that steep, but for some reason, I felt as if my body refused to obey me. Normally, I would feel my body very light, perfect for climbing or running fast. But there was something deep inside of me that had regretted coming here.

Took me around 10 minutes to get to the Garden of the Hesperides where I saw the three Hesperides. All of them had a similar appearance to someone I had seen before, but I couldn't quite place who.

"Ah young hero. Here to fight our father? If so you will have to go through Ladon first." The middle one said in a sweet and creepy voice.

"Or, I could just not do that and go straight to doing what I came here to do," I simply shut down her idea.

"The quest has gone through Ladon. You will need to pass through the same difficulties they did if you want to fight our father" the smaller one said.

Perfect, arrived after the quest. Just perfect. "Fine, I'll fight Ladon if it's what it takes. Can't believe this is happening," I muttered the last part.

I went on forwards when I saw that Zoë Nightshade was fighting a hundred-headed giant dragon with serpentine-like skin. Ladon. Even if I hated her with all my being, I wasn't going to let her be killed by a stupid dragon.

I sprinted my way towards her and aided her.

"What are you doing here boy? Couldn't find anybody else to lay with you?" She asked me from her peripheral vision

"Nice to see you too Nightshade. Seems you learned to talk in the four days we've been apart,"

"More than four days," she replied as she dodged Ladon's tail.

"Well I wouldn't know, I was unconscious for a good percent of that time. Also, do me a favor and go fight with the others. I can deal with this beast,"

"No can do pretty boy. I'm here as his old tamer, he should be able to recognize me,"

"But he doesn't. Please, just go help he others, knowing Jackson he's already battling Atlas. You know how he is," I could see that she saw my point of view, but was also conflicted with her decision.

"Zoë" I yelled as Ladon was going to bite her. She turned almost too late, but I jumped towards her bringing her down. Instead of her being bitten, a bit of my leg suffered the bite.

"Aahhhh" I felt like my leg was going fall off, a very acidic substance through my bone. Easily the worst pain I've ever felt.

"We can't defeat him!" I said in despair.

"Wait let me try something. A last-minute idea"

And then I shit you not, she began to sing a lullaby! And some gears in the dragons head apparently began to turn and he remembered Zoë Nightshade. Ladon's acidic breath was blown on to us (which didn't help the acidic pain in my leg) and he began to sleep.

"Why the fuck didn't you do that before?! Do you know how much my leg hurt?!" I asked her trying to follow her to the other battlefield, limping pretty badly may I add.

"That almost never worked. Now shut up, we have to go help the others." She did a full sprint whereas I could only fast limp over there.

"I hate my life," I kept repeating as I followed Zoë, who was easily eight hundred feet in front of me. 

We kept running towards the battleground for about two and a half minutes when we arrived at the scene. There were basically four parts of the 'battleground'. There was Amnabeth fighting bunch of stupid monsters, there was Percy Jackson fighting Atlas, the damned Luke Castellan fighting Thalia and then my mom holding up the sky.

Jagger Buckley: forbidden child (Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now