Hello my Old friend

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Okay so like let's be honest. I've never been much of a people person. Like I said before in previous occasions, even if I was popular back home in West Virginia, I still maintained my close-knit group of friends. Even at camp, I usually stayed either with Thalia, the Stolls or Silena (when she wasn't with Beckendorf). Needless to say that I usually stay with friends.

Unfortunately, on this quest, I had only one friend, well girlfriend in this case, with me. The others were Grover the coward, Zoë the feminazi and Percy the disobedient son of a bitch. In other words, only one person I felt comfortable with and, on top of that, now all of them knew my secret.

So I had to tell them who my real mother was and how I was conceived. Of course, they all stood silent without moving and I was peeing myself already, so I just yelled.

"EXCUSE ME! Please untie me I have to pee! Seriously I have to say this two times?"

"Yes of course Master," Grover said bowing and quickly untying me.  

"Don't call me master," I said before walking away from them

"Wait, boy, where do you think you're going?" Zoë Nightshade asked while running trying to keep up. I turned around and faced her "I'm going to save my mom. And I will do that alone it seems since yall love to blame me for everything and not take things seriously. Plus, if what Jackson said is true, the monsters will be looking for you, not me. Ergo I'll just go and leave yall alone."

I just kept walking until someone grabbed my arm. Thinking it was Jackson or someone irrelevant, I shook the person off. When my arm was grabbed a second time, I turned to see who it was. Thalia stood there with tears in her eyes, but with a determined look in her eyes.

"Jagger don't overreact, just come with us," she said in a soft voice

"No Thalia, I'm sick of being the outcast, the person who people don't trust. I'm never part of the story of anybody, just an extra. I'll just leave and save my mom faster than you guys will. With Jackson now part of it and you, no doubt monsters will be following you. So just let me be."

"No Jagger I won't let you be. We're in this together. You're my boyfriend, the one I love. Now, I know you want to save your mother but we all want to do that here. You don't have to go away."

"You don't get it, Thalia. She's the only family I have left, the only family I've ever known." I grabbed her shoulders gently "You know I love you too, but I can't risk this. Good bye Thalia" I kissed her one last time and started to walk away.

"If you go away it's over between you and me!" I heard her scream. I made a small pause, but my consciousness and instinct were one now, both focused on saving my mother. I kept walking while hearing Thalia's sobs echoing through the subway.

"I told you, all boys are the same" I heard Zoë whisper but, in all honesty, I was way too focused on the task at hand to go back and save my relationship.

Two hours later and I had finally peed. With my super speed through the woods or however you want to call this power I was already in Sheperdstown.

"Take me home to the place I belong" I sighed

"So you're still obsessed with that song? Seems about right" a female voice said behind me. I turned around to see one of my old friends

"Alanna? Alanna Barbee?" I asked with shock evident in my face and voice.

"Jagger Buckley, the one that got away." She said giving me a hug which I gladly returned. "All of us thought you had died in the woods after the fire. My deepest condolences by the way."

"Yeah well I didn't die. Just ran away and finally met my mother." I said nonchalantly, which Alanna didn't think it was something to be so indifferent about.

"You did? That's awesome Jagger! So what brings you here to Sheperdstown? Doubt that it was because you missed us. You should've missed us a year ago."

"Sorry about that. Actually, I'm on my way to Cali for family stuff. Turns out my family is messed up and that was partly the reason why I was left at the orphanage."

"Partly? What's the other part? Anyways that doesn't matter. It's around 4:30 and it's winter, and if you remember anything about here, it's getting super cold and dark soon. If you want you can stay in my house. I have a spare room and my mom is in Florida visiting my grandparents without me. Bless her soul. Anyways what do you say?"

"Sure that sounds great! I have to leave early tomorrow tho"

"Don't worry about it. You need to rest if you plan to go to Cali. I'll email my mom to check if we can get you a plane ticket to LA or something like that. You know that she had a soft spot for you, so it won't be too hard. Now seriously let's go, we can talk more at home."

I had forgotten how much I loved this place. Sure, Camp Half-Blood was cool and everything, but this was home. And seeing my old childhood friend really made me think about how much I had lost.

Alanna Barbee was the kind of girl who you were either jealous of or were in love with her. I always thought of her as my sister, and she thought of me as her brother. She was about 5'3, slightly tanned skin, blue eyes, brown-blonde straight hair and way too smart for her own good. Like honestly, she was kind of perfect. Every guy had a crush on her (at least two years ago) and every girl wanted to be her. Add to that, she was one of the most popular girls in school, but she was friendly with everyone. I really missed her.

We arrived to her house, which was a really average looking house. As I entered, I noticed nothing had really changed much. The carpets were still the same old boring khaki color, they still had their old tv and even the kitchen was the same. The only two things that were added were two photos. One was a photo of Alanna and I in my first Archery competition with my giant trophy. She was leaning into me with a bright smile on her face, and I remembered how close we were. The second photo was again of me and Alanna, but this one was around two years ago. In this photo, Alanna and I were both sweaty as hell, but hugging as if our life depended on it. We had just finished our track and field/cross country competition, in which both of us had won first place in our respective events.

"I still think about that day. You won by a full ten minutes from the second place! It was a new national record."

"Wow I forgot about that. That was probably the peak of my life,"

"What do you mean? Didn't you meet your mother?"

"Well yeah, but still. Ever since that I've been under a lot of stress and unable to have real friends, like you. I really missed you Na."

"Missed you a lot too Jagger. You have no idea how much I cried when I thought you had died. People searched for you for months but there were no traces except for some wolf tracks and some blood, which we assumed meant that the wolves got to you. Which wolves? I don't know but there were traces of them"

"Yeah, it's a mystery" I said completely knowing which wolf track she meant.

"So anyways I don't have much food here right now, so do you want a hot pocket? It's pepperoni"

"Yeah sure. And let's watch some tv, it has been years since we did that"

And so we sat in the living room, eating hot pockets and watching The Office and Friends. We decided that, since we hadn't seen each other in such a long time, a comedy series would've been the best thing to watch. We went to bed at around 10pm and, for the first time in two years, I finally felt at home.

Jagger Buckley: forbidden child (Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now