You're not okay

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Warning: mentions of self harm and depression
       Peter was good at hiding his emotions. When he didn't want people to know, they wouldn't know. People only thought he was a bad liar because when he was caught lying, he wanted to be caught. Days like this, he wanted to be caught. But he was so used to hiding that he couldn't. No one knew that he cried himself to sleep most nights and woke up in tears the next morning. He couldn't help it. His mind would automatically make him cut in places no one would see, he wouldn't eat unless he could easily get rid of it, and he couldn't sleep. Well he could, but not well. He was angry that he couldn't tell anyone. But Tony noticed something was off. Peter was getting quieter and quieter everyday. You wouldn't notice if you didn't pay attention because he still rambled about topics, but his excitement began to fade from his eyes and voice. He wanted to talk to the kid, but he didn't know how. One day, Peter could barely walk straight and Tony decided to hint at something.

       "Hey, are you alright Peter?" Peter shook himself out of his thoughts then looked at me. He smiled, but I saw something in his eyes and his smile seemed so forced, but natural at the same time.

      "I'm fine Mr.Stark." I give him a look and his smile wavers. I sigh and walk over to him, kneeling in front of him.

      "No you're not." Peter looks shocked then looks back to the project we have been working on.

     "I told you I'm fine Tony, so just leave it alone. Please." His voice cracked slightly during the last word. I shook my head again and placed my hand on his shoulder.

      "You're not okay, Peter. And that's fine. You don't need to be okay all the time. You just need to try to get better." Peter looked at me with so much emotion in his eyes that I wanted to cry.

      "How do you know it will get better Mr.Stark?" I pulled him into a hug and ran my fingers through his hair.

      "It will get better because you are surrounded by people who care about you and will do anything to make sure it will get better. There are so many people you need you Pete. I need my underoos in the lab with me. We'll make sure you know how much we care. But for now, get some sleep. When you wake up we'll get you some food and water." I slowly walk us over to the couch to lay down with Peter. He began to cry sometime during my little speech so I continued to run my fingers through his curly hair. He sniffled quietly.

      "Thank you." He fell asleep quickly after that, sleeping peacefully. He didn't wake up crying like he usually did and when he woke up he actually ate and kept it down. Sure life sucked and he felt like crap most of the time, but there were people who cared. And he'd be stupid to take advantage of that.

A/N: This is pretty sad m8. I will start writing 'unofficial dad Peter part 2' soon, but there are other stories I'm writing right now, so it may take a while. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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