TW: people trying to do things to Peter because they're nasty ass, bitch ass, people. Certain Avengers experience it.
Peter and Clint were walking through the mall and laughing about stupid jokes that didn't really make sense. Peter was about to say something else when an arm was wrapped around his shoulder. Clint looked at the guy as Peter looked at him confused. The guy was looking down at Peter with a creepy look on his face which made Peter uncomfortable.
"Well Hey there babe, how are you doing today?" Peter tried to get away, but the guys grip got tighter. Clint pushed him away.
"What the hell?" The guy yelled, causing people to look.
"Stay away from the kid. He's 15, aka, you'll go to jail if you touch him one more time." The guys rolls his eyes but walks away anyways. Peter stands close to Clint for the rest of the day.
Bruce and Peter were heading to the coffee shop after one of Bruce's book signings. Peter was smiling the whole time because he got to stand next to the booth the whole time and Bruce would let him answer questions. To say Peter had fun was an understatement. There was one guy though. Bruce didn't like him that much. He kept looking at Peter and tried to ask different questions, if you know what he means. Peter got uncomfortable, but as soon as the guy left, he was smiling brightly again. He would see him from across the room every once and a while and become scared until Bruce distracted him, which was pretty easy. When they got to the coffee shop, Peter almost forgot about the whole thing. That was until Bruce went to the bathroom, leaving Peter alone. Peter looked up and saw the man in the doorway. He tried to hide, but the man remembered his shirt and hair. He smirked and walked towards Peter.
"Hello there. Didn't think I'd see you here." Peter didn't like the way his voice sounded. It was creepy. He tried to look for Bruce. He jumped when he felt something on his knee. The guy chuckled slightly and went to grab Peter again.
"How about we get out of here?" The guy reaches for Peters arm, but he was pulled away. Peter looked up and saw Bruce and his eyes widened in shock. The guy was pulled away pretty hard. Peter was about to ask how the pull was so forceful, but then he saw green slowly traveling up Bruce's neck.
"Let me tell you something pal," Bruce's voice was so calm, it scared Peter. "If you even look at Peter one more time, I will not hesitate to let the green guy take over. Clear?" The guy nodded quickly, got up and ran out of the shop. People were looking and it made Peter anxious. Bruce noticed.
"Let's get you home, Pete." Peter didn't like being touched for a few days.
Sam rolled his eyes as Peter went on and on about some movie that he watched with his friend Ed or whatever. But then, he saw Peter jump and a sound of surprise and disgust came out of his mouth. Sam looked and he became angry at what he saw. A grown ass man winked at Peter. Peter looked down embarrassed. Sam punched the guy in the face.
"Wha- SAM?!" Peter's voice cracked as he said this. The guy looked surprised.
"Don't touch the kid asshole." The guy smirked.
"What are you gonna do about it?"
"I'm gonna beat your ass. That's what I'm gonna do." He pulled his hand back, but someone grabbed his hand. He looked back, about to yell at whoever this was, but then he saw Peter. The innocent, Brown, doe eyes staring at him.
"Sam, lets just go. I'm fine. He's not worth it." Sams fist slowly uncurled and he pushed the guy to the ground. Sam didn't like the kid, but that doesn't mean he didn't like the kid. Who is he kidding, he loved this kid just as much as anyone else. He would do anything to protect this kid. He looked down at the guy.
"You're a piece of shit." Then he walked away with the kid. Peter looked at his surroundings a lot more now.
Peter and Steve were on their way to the tower after Steve got Peter from school. They would've driven, but Peter kept talking about how Steve needed a civilian experience. So now they were on the train. They were just talking, but then someone wrapped their arms around Peter. He jumped towards Steve. Steve was confused at first and then he saw someone looking at Peter with lust in his eyes. Steve pulled Peter close, causing the guy to roll his eyes.
"Come on Cap. I'm sure you can give up your little boy toy for a few hours." The guy looked at Peter again and slightly licked his lips (ew). Peter hid in Steve's chest as he whimpered quietly. Steve growled.
"He's not my 'boy toy' you dick. He's like a son to me." The guy scoffs.
"That's what they all say. Now let me see him." Luckily the train doors open and Steve leads Peter off the train, calming him down. Peter doesn't like trains anymore.
They were walking through the park, trying to calm down after Bucky had more flashbacks. Peter always helped to calm him down. They were laughing until they heard whistling. Peter was used to it, but it still made him uncomfortable. Bucky, unlike Peter, was pissed. He looked towards the guy. He was probably around Tony's age. Bucky mentally gagged before the guy started yelling.
"Hey, you with the curly hair! Where'd your smile go?" Bucky growled as the guy continued to talk to Peter. Peter tried to block it out, but it was getting harder and harder. The guy tried to approach, but Bucky punches him before the guy could even reach out for Peter.
"Fuck off." (Sorry Cap). He pulled Peter with him as they turned back towards the tower. He didn't smile for a few days.
They were in the tower when it happened around Rhodes. The owner of another company who was visiting to make a 'trade agreement' or whatever was looking at Peter in a way that caused the kid to shrink into himself, even when the guy wasn't around. Rhodey noticed of course, and tried to find the guy. When he couldn't he went back to where Peter was. He got there and he saw the business man trying to corner Peter with a smirk on his face. Rhodey quickly ran into the room as an iron man gauntlet, that he borrowed, covered his hand. He pulled the guy away and pointed his other arm towards him. The guy was shocked which quickly changed to fear.
"Stay away from the kid. Tony will be hearing about this and you can forget about whatever you came here for. It's not like we need you here. Get out of the tower." The man ran out and Rhodey looked back at Peter. He was sitting in the corner, trying to make himself as small as possible. Peter stayed out of that lab for a few weeks.
~~(TW: the next two are darker)
Natasha was worried about Peter. He has been acting weird for the past few days. Happy noticed how when he picked him up after school, he wouldn't talk his ear off anymore. He would just sit in the back, headphones in, with his hood on his head. If it was any one else, Natasha wouldn't be too worried, but when Peter stopped talking to her, she realized something was wrong. That's how she found herself outside of Peters school, waiting for the students to be released. School ended in 5 minutes so she just had to wait.
The five minutes passed slowly, but the bell finally rang. She got out of the car as she looked for Peter. Everyone gasped as they saw her, but she ignored them. Five minutes passed and happy said that he was probably just running late or talking to a teacher. They didn't think much of it. But then ten more minutes passed. Natasha walked into the school and began to search the halls for Peter. She looked into a room and her vision was filled with red. Peter was in the room, talking to a teacher, but the teacher was trying to do much more. His hand was on Peters thigh as he was trapped in his chair. Natasha broke the door down as the teachers hand began to move up his leg. The teacher gasped as he saw the black widow. She punched him and he fell to the ground. She kept punching him until he passed out, which didn't take long. She turned and saw Peter, he was trying to hold back tears. She walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. He didn't cry, but he was breathing heavily.
"It's okay ребенок паук. I've got you." (Baby spider.*whisper* google translate) Peter didn't go to school for a few days.
Tony was at the party he was invited to that had a lot of people he didn't know. He invited Peter so he could get used to stuff like this for when certain details were announced. But he couldn't find Peter. He was right next to him and then he wasn't. As he continued to look, he got a message from Friday on his phone.
"Boss. Karen informed me Peter is currently in distress. He's in the bathroom on the first floor. Two doors to the left." I quickly go to where she said and as I get there, I see a guy trying to button his shirt as he leaves the bathroom. He looks at me and his eyes widen before he rushes away. (TW: it gets bad here) Tony walks in and he was not prepared for what he saw. Peter was sitting on the ground, holding his knees to his chest tightly. His pants were unbuttoned and his shirt was ripped. Tony didn't need to be a genius to know what happened. He slowly approached Peter and began talking to him.
"Hey Pete. I need you to talk to me okay?" Peter jumped slightly at the sudden voice and began to cry harder.
"You're okay Pete. It's just me. It's Mr.Stark. You're okay underoos. Just listen to my voice. I'm not gonna hurt you. You're safe." Peter slowly looks up. His eyes red and puffy, tears streaming down his face. Tony slowly sits next to him.
"Mr.Stark?"Peters voice was shaky and weak. His grip on his knees loosened slightly.
"Yeah. It's me Bambi. I'm here." Peter hugged Tony tightly and began to sob into Tony's chest. Tony held him close as Peter began to cry. He began rambling about what happened and he was apologizing. Tony kept reminding him it wasn't his fault. Time passed and Peter fell asleep. He quickly got out his phone and contacted the police. He sent them the picture Friday took of the man and he was found quickly. Tony took Peter out of the building and brought him to his room. Peter began to whimper again and Tony could tell he was having a nightmare. He decided to climb into the bed with Peter and he ran his fingers through Peters hair. Peter calmed down and he slept peacefully. Tony stayed up, making sure he stayed that way. Peter didn't leave his bed for a while.
A/N: 1941 words. Lord have mercy. Also I got the ' Bambi' name from another story. I don't remember the writer, but I thought the name was cute. I hope they don't find this and get mad. This story is dark and kind of hard to write. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!

Family friendly avengers content//one shots
FanfictionNot very family friendly. Cursing and other non child friendly stuff. You've been warned. Just a book of cliche one shots of tony and peter being #1 father and son duo. Including the other avengers of course. ---- I don't know what I'm doing. I'm n...