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My dad's pissing me off. Alright, no more personal problems. Continue.

"Hey Mr.Delmar. What's that?" Peter asked as he walked into the shop. Then man gives him a kind smile before sighing.
               "They're just puppies that were left in the alleyway over there." He points out the window. "I don't know what to do with them. I'll probably take them to the pound when I close shop."
               "You can't take them to the pound! You never know what could happen to them there."
               "I'm sorry Pete, but I can't do anything else. And they're pit bulls. No one in New York wants a pit bull." Peter sighs before he gets an idea. Not a very smart one, but an idea none the less.
               "I'll take them." Mr.Delmar stared at him before he pushed the box towards Peter gently.
               "As long as I don't get a lecture from Stark, you can have them." Peter smiled widely as he picks up the box and walks out of the store, saying a quick goodbye to the owner.
              "Karen, do you think you could tell Friday to not let Mr.Stark know about this?"
—time skip—
               Peter somehow managed to sneak the puppies into his room and hide them in his bathroom. Well, he thought he snuck them in, but then Clint fell out of the vents.
               "Jesus! Give a kid a warning next time."
               "I thought you had your spidey senses or whatever." Peter rolled his eyes.
               "That's only for threats. You're not very threatening." Clint gasped in mock offense before he actually gasped in shock at the puppies.
               "Peter, what's this?"
               "What's what?" Clint hits Peter on the back of the head.
               "Ow. Alright, they're puppies. Mr.Delmar found them in an alley near his shop. I couldn't let him take them to the pound. Look at them." He lifts the smallest one and holds it in Clint's face. The man 'awe's before he nods his head.
               "Okay. I'm in on the secret now. I'll help you hide them from Stark."
—time skip—
               One helper turned to two and then that turned to three. Natasha found out not even five minutes after Clint decided to help Peter, and Bucky found out after he went to check on Peter and saw a dog trying to get out. The four of them kept it a secret for almost two months before Tony found out.
               Peter got home after school one day and he went straight to his room. He would've fallen into his bed like he normally did after long days, but Tony was already sitting on the bed as he held a puppy in his hands. He looked up at Peter with a blank look as he walked in.
               "Heyyy Mr.Stark. What's that?"
               "Oh, hello Peter. I was about to ask you the same thing." Peter rubbed his hands together anxiously as he met Tony's eye.
               "You see, these puppies were in an alley and I couldn't just leave them. And I couldn't bring them to the pound. They're pit bulls and nobody wants a pit bull. So, I brought them here. The one your holding is Tessa. That black one is Max and the brown one is Ben." Tony kept looking between Peter and the dogs before letting out a sigh.
               "If I find one pair of shoes chewed up they're leaving." Peter smiles brightly and pulls Tony into a hug.
               "Thank you Mr.Stark."
               "Yeah, Yeah.

A/N: ya girl doesn't know what to do with her summer vacation and I'm starting to get bored. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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