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Excessive desire to stay in bed

             Peter was having a bad day. Flash was worse than normal, Ned was sick, May was mad at him for missing so many days, he's going to have detention on Friday, and now he just found out he failed a literature test. How is he supposed to remember who said irrelevant quotes in Hamlet? Peter was tired and he just wanted to go to bed. Then he remembered he had his Stark internship, which was now a real thing. He groaned, but he was still excited to see Tony. So, he worked through his day, hoping the day would go by quickly. It didn't. At the end of the day, he trudged to Happys car. He sat in the back and tried to get a nap in, but today Happy was talkative. He said things that Peter should know about, but was too out of it to understand. Happy noticed and slowly stopped talking.
—time skip—
        When they got to the tower, Peter went to the private elevator. Other interns stared as Friday's voice spoke.
         "Hello Peter. You should probably get some rest instead of going to the lab." Interns looked shocked as the AI suddenly sounded more human. Peter yawned and shook his head.
         "I'm fine, Fri." The doors closed and quiet music filled the small area.
—time skip—
         "Hey, Pete. What are you doing?" Peter jumped in his seat, looking at Tony. He hid a yawn.
         "You know. Jus' workin on stuff." Tony gave him a look and Peter shifted in his seat.
         "How was your day kid?"
         "Shitty. I mean, umm, it was great Mr.Stark." Tony let out a sarcastic chuckle.
         "First of all, it's Tony. Second, what happened kid? Don't say your day was fine. It obviously wasn't." Peter sighed and put his face into his hands.
         "I'm just tired Mr.St- Tony. I haven't slept in a while, classmates are dumb, May's mad, I failed a test, I have detention Friday, and I had no one to talk to today. So my day was great." Tony looked at the boy sadly.
         "You're room's still set up if you want to get some sleep for a few hours." Peter shook his head.
         "Can't. Nightmares." Tony sighed and pulled Peter out of his chair, causing Peter to let out a surprised yelp.
         "You're sleeping for a few hours Peter. I'll stay with you and Ironman will make sure you don't have nightmares." Peter let out a tired laugh as he slowly put his weight into Tony as he began to fall asleep. They made it to the room before Peter fell asleep, so it wasn't hard to get him into the bed. Tony laid with him until he fell asleep as well.
—time skip—
           Peter woke up, and he wished he didn't. He wanted to go back to sleep because he was still exhausted. He tried to fall asleep again, but Tony interrupted.
          "Peter it's time for school. There are some cloths in here for you to wear." Peter groaned into the blanket. Tony left the room and Peter began to cry lightly.
         Tony was in a meeting with a few other business men he forgot the names of when Friday informed him.
         "Sir, Peter is crying currently and he says he doesn't know why." Tony quickly stood up, ignoring the other people's protest, and ran to Peters room. Interns and employees stared at him, wondering where he was going. He made it to Peters room and saw that Peter was trying to wipe his tears. He sat on his bed.
          "What's wrong underoos?" Peter whimpered slightly as the bed shifted and Tony began running his hands through Peters hair.
          "I don't know. I just don't want to get out of bed. I'm sorry. I'll get ready. I didn't mean to interrupt anything." He began to sit up, but Tony pushed him back down, shaking his head.
          "If you're crying because you don't want to get out of bed, you don't need to get out of bed. I'll tell your aunt that it's my fault. Friday, send an email to the school please." There was no response, but Tony knew she was doing what he said. Peter was still shifting so Tony grabbed his headphones and plugged them in. He turned on Peters favorite songs and watched as he fell asleep again.

A/N: I actually like this one. Wow. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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