I'm seeing Endgame again tomorrow because Fucc life. You know what I mean? Anyways, enjoy.
TW: major bullying, suicide (happy ending tho. You'll see)
Also I'm still spideypool trash. Wade is 17 Peter is 16Tony woke up that morning and just had a feeling something bad was going to happen. He stared at his wall before shaking his head and making his way to the kitchen. Once he got there, he began to make Peters breakfast. Chocolate chip pancakes with a lot of bacon. It was 6:30 when he finished and Peter walked in wearing his hello kitty pants and a grey hoodie. Tony smiled at the kid who gave him a tired smile in return.
"Hey Pete. Did you sleep well?" Peter nodded his head slowly and Tony gave a soft chuckle. The teen sat down and Tony placed the food in front of him. He noticed Peter wasn't eating as fast as he usually did, but he decided not to ask the kid. He only eats less than half of what he normally eats before he leaves the table to get changed. Tony looks at the unfinished food in confusion. Peter never left that much food. He brushed it off, not thinking about the small detail too much. A few minutes later, Peter walked into the room with a baggy, long sleeved shirt and baggy jeans.
"You ready for school underoos?" Peter just smiles and nods at Tony. They go to the elevator and make their way to the garage.
—time skip—
Happy picked Peter up from school since Tony had a few meetings. When he got to the kids school, he noticed him talking to his friends before another person walked up. They began poking at Peter, mostly his stomach, and laughing. Happy just looked on confused. What were they laughing about? He watched as Peters smile fell a little before he covered it and waved to his friends before walking to the car. He hopped in and looked out the window as Happy pulled out of the parking lot.
"Peter, are you okay? You're usually not this quiet." Peter just gives a small smile to the driver and nods his head.
"I'm all good Happy." He looks at the kid for a few minutes before turning back to the road. Every once in a while, he'll look back to see Peter staring out the window with a blank expression on his face.
—time skip—**tw**
Tony walked into the living area at 6:00, expecting to see Peter doing his homework on the couch. When he sees he's not there, he tries to ask Friday, but she doesn't work.
"Peter?" He gets no answer. He begins to make his way towards Peters room before he sees a dent in the wall that definitely wasn't there that morning. He looks closer and sees that Peters phone is next to it, unbroken. He lifts it and almost drops it at the messages he sees. They're all horrible words, telling peter that he needs to lose weight or he was ugly or how he was a disgusting person because he had a boyfriend and it hurt Tony. But the most recent hurt him the most. 'Why don't you just go ahead and kill yourself. No one would miss you'. Tony does drop the phone this time as he races to Peters room. Once he gets there, he lets out a chocked sob at the sight. Peter, his kid, was laying on the floor with blood pooling around him. Tony slowly walked over and fell to his knees before pulling Peter into a tight hug.
"No, no, no. Peter! Wake up. Please. I can't lose you Pete." He continues to sob and pulls the boy tighter against his chest.
Tony wakes up, breathing heavily. He looks around the room before checking his phone. The date was the same as yesterday. Or was today yesterday? Tony sat in confusion before getting up and walking to the kitchen. He made pancakes and bacon on instinct. He just finished when he heard shuffling behind him. He turned and saw Peter. He just stared at the kid who was wearing his hello kitty pants and a grey hoodie. He gave Tony a confused look.
"Are you okay Mr.Stark." Tony nodded before he walked over to the kid and pulled him into a hug. Peter was surprised, but he hugged back.
"Just a bad dream kiddo. Anyways, it's time for breakfast." Tony watched in confusion as the scene played exactly the way his dream did. Peter ate less than half and went to his room. His confusion grew when he saw Peter wear the same thing as his dream. He shook it off and they made their way towards the elevator.
—time skip— **tw**
Tony got home at about 6:00 after all of his meetings and the same thing happened. Peter wasn't in the living room, dent on the wall, messages on the phone... Peter in the bathroom. It felt even more real than the last time. He cried again and held his boy close.
Tony woke up, just as panicked as the last time and everything happened again. Except when Peter was about to get up, Tony spoke before he could.
"You should eat more Pete. You need to take care of yourself." Peter just looked at the food before he slowly began to eat more. He took him to school again and cancelled his meetings for the day.
—time skip—
Tony was sitting in the parking lot, waiting to take Peter home, when he saw the boy walk out with his friend. They were talking excitedly about whatever they like before another boy walked up to Peter. His mood visibly dropped, but he hid it well. The boy poked his stomach and laughed at him. Tony glared at the boy. This had to be the one who sent the texts to Peter. The guy walked away and Peter smiled at Ned before walking to the car. He was going to sit in the back when he noticed Tony was driving. He opened the passenger door and put his head against the window.
"You okay, Pete?" Tony put his hand on Peters shoulder and the boy smiled at him.
"I'm fine Mr.Stark. Aren't you supposed to be in a meeting?" Tony smiled at the kid.
"It got cancelled. Don't worry about it kid. It was them not me." Lies. Peter just smiled at him softly.
"Are you gonna be home all night?" Tony nodded and Peter smiled brightly.
—time skip—
It was about an hour and a half after they got home when Peter walked out of his room in his Spider-Man suit, phone in hand.
"Mr.Stark, I'm gonna go out on patrol now. Don't wait up." Tony looked at him before he hesitantly nodded. Peter gave him a small smile before putting his mask on and leaving through the window.
—time skip—**tw**
It was almost 2:00 when Tony began to worry about Peter. Sure he's been out late before, but he hasn't called.
"Fri, where's Peter and what's he doing?" There's a long pause before the AI responds in a voice that is weirdly sympathetic.
"Mr.Parker is about two miles away. There are many self inflicted wounds and there is no pulse detected." Tony falls to the ground.
It happens multiple times after this. No matter what he did, he would always see his kid laying on the ground lifeless. After a while, he just became numb. He would still cry, but it didn't affect him as much. He knew it was happening. It was about to happen again when he got an idea. Why he didn't think of it before, he didn't know.
He woke up the next day and happily made Peters breakfast. Peter walked into the room and Tony smiled at him brightly. Peter smiled back as Tony placed Peters food in front of him.
"So Pete, I was thinking maybe you should stay home today. I can invite the team over and we can just watch movies and eat all day." Tony looks at the kid, his eyes filled with hope. Peter smiles brightly and nods enthusiastically. Tony chuckles softly while also letting out a breathe. Peter ate his whole breakfast.
—time skip—
It was 3:30 when Peters phone started to go off. He went to look at his phone, but Tony grabbed it from him and read the message. It was Flash. The message was the same as what Tony always saw. He looked down at Peter and whispered to him.
"You shouldn't read stuff like this. It isn't true." Tony unlocked the phone and blocked the number. Peter looked at him gratefully and looked back to see the team staring at them.
"What shouldn't he be reading?" Steve asked. Tony looked at Peter with eyes that said you should tell them but I won't make you. Peter just nodded and sighed.
"Kid from school. Says stuff about my weight and my boyfriend." The teams eyes darken before softening again.
"First of all, your weight is what it's supposed to be. Even less because of your abilities. Second, you have a boyfriend? Why haven't I met him?" Natasha asks with mock offense. Peter just laughs before pointing to Tony.
"He kicked him out." Tony rolled his eyes and looked at the boy fondly.
"Only because he broke something in the lab and kept making stupid jokes. If you want you can invite him over today. They can meet him." Peter smiles up at him.
"Really?" Tony just nods and chuckles at the boys excitement. He grabs his phone and texts Wade. Not even five minutes pass when the elevator doors open.
"Baby boy! Did my future father-in-law actually let you invite me over?" Tony rolled his eyes as Peter giggled (because Toms giggles are the cutest) before pulling Wade into the couch. Wade always becomes softer around his baby boy, so it was no surprise to Tony when he quieted down and held Peter as he snuggled into his chest. The others looked on fondly as the boy began to fall asleep.
"So, future father-in-law huh?" Sam asked while laughing slightly. The others glared at him before turning back to Wade. Natasha gave him a look and his eyes widened.
"Are you good to Peter?" Wade looked down at the boy before nodding his head.
"Of course I am. He's the most important person in my life right now." Natasha seemed satisfied with that answer, but asked about his father-in-law comment. He glanced at Tony before he cleared his throat.
"When we get out of school, I wanted to... get permission to..." He seemed nervous to finish the sentence around Tony. He just smiled at the other teen.
"You wanted to ask for my blessing." Wade blushed and it surprised Tony. Wade has never shown anything like this around him.
"Not right now sir, but soon. Peters it for me Mr.Stark. I can't lose him." Tony frowned at the thought of losing his kid again, but he put a smile back on his face and pat Wades shoulder.
"Well, when the time comes, you have my blessing." Wade smiled at him and gave a quiet thank you before kissing Peters forehead. Tony looked around at the scene and smiled to himself. Peter had so many people who cared about him. They all watched over him when they needed and he has the most loving significant other Tony could ask for his son. Now that he knew the signs of Peters depressive episodes, he can take care of him. Peter will grow up and he'll be happy. Everything will be fine.~~~~~~~~~~~
A/N: why do I do these things to myself? I don't know. This is almost 2000 words long. Also I have a really good story idea but I have to wait until most people have seen endgame because I don't want to spoil anything. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

Family friendly avengers content//one shots
FanfictionNot very family friendly. Cursing and other non child friendly stuff. You've been warned. Just a book of cliche one shots of tony and peter being #1 father and son duo. Including the other avengers of course. ---- I don't know what I'm doing. I'm n...