Unofficial Dad Peter-Part 2

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Peter was sitting in algebra, bored out of his mind. He already knew how to do everything the teacher was teaching, so he was just daydreaming. He was thinking of Camryn, wondering if she was okay. As he thought this, the door opened as Tony walked in with a sniffling Camryn. The class gasped.
"Mr.Stark! What are you doing here?" The teacher asked. Tony sighed.
"I'm looking for Peter." As he said that, Camryns face brightened. Tony looked around then saw Peter.
"Oh, Peter. Thank god! Take the kid back. I can't do this anymore." Camryn looked at Peter and squealed. She pushed Tony off of her and ran to Peter. He picked her up as she started to climb his legs.
"Hi daddy!" The class gasped again and began whispering, again. Peter sighed.
"No Camryn. I'm not Daddy." Just like the first time, Camryn shook her head and pouted.
"No. You're daddy." Peter sighed, but didn't keep talking. He looked up at Tony with an aggravated look. Tony raised his hands.
"Don't look at me like that. She was crying and she wanted you. Even her plushie didn't help." Peter looked down at Camryn who was looking at his paper and he smiled softly.
"It's fine. Do you need me to come home?" Tony shook his head.
"You missed too many days. You're staying and the kids staying with you. I already told the teachers, principal and all the important people." Peter nodded. Tony left and the class was still star struck. A few minutes pass and Peter covers Camryns ears as the bell rings. She giggles and starts mimicking a bell sound, causing Peter to laugh at her. This day will be interesting.
—time skip—
It was lunch, and Camryn was eating the lunch that Tony packed for her. She was sitting in Peters lap when Ned and Mj sat down. She looked up then hid her face in Peters neck.
          "You're okay, Camryn. These are my friends. That's Ned and that's Mj." Camryn looked up and smiled.
          "You're very pretty Mj!" Mj smiles and thanked her. They began to talk about classes and Camryn as Flash walked up.
          "Penis Parker! Who's the kid?" Peter sighed and answered.
           "This is Camryn." Camryn looked at Peter then Flash.
           "Why is he being mean to you daddy?" This caused Flash to raise his eyebrows.
           "Daddy? Who'd you knock up Peter? Was it Mj? No, she would've missed school. What about one of your avenger buddies?" (*gag*)Flash laughed along with his friends. Peter rolled his eyes, but still held his hands over Camryns ears as the bell rang.
—time skip—
           They walked into the avengers tower at the end of the day. Well, Peter walked. Camryn was skipping through the halls. Interns smiled and waved. Some also said hello to Peter. They made it to the common room to see all the avengers watching tv. They looked up at him.
           "Hey Peter! How was school?" Peter was about to answer, but Camryn interrupted him.
           "Someone was mean to him today. They called him mean names. Ned and Mj are nice though. And the big people were mean to Peter too." Peter quickly explained that the big people were called teachers. The Avengers looked angry.
          "Why have we never heard of any of this?" Peter shook his head and took Camryn to her room.
—time skip( I'm lazy )—
           Peter woke up a few minutes later, Camryn standing in his doorway. He turned his lamp on.
          "Hey Cam. What's wrong?" He noticed tears on her face as she walked closer. He pulled her into a hug as she began to cry again.
         "He hurt you daddy. You were- you were all red. It was coming out of here," she said pointing to Peters mouth and chest. Peter pulled her into his chest again.
        "It's okay baby. I'm okay. Nobody hurt me." She nodded her head then pulled away and wiped her eyes.
       "Can I stay in here tonight?" Peter smiled at her, and she smiled back.
       "Of course you can sweetheart." Camryn cuddled up next to her unofficial dad and fell asleep quickly. This girl had Peter wrapped around her finger.

A/N: I think this was cute. If you want I can do a part 3 with Camryn a little older if you want or a full story. But if you want it to just end here then it will. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!
~Grace (teehee)

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