How they bonded

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Holy shiz, this story has 1k reads. Tank uuu!!!
Pls give me more ideas

All the Avengers were in the kitchen, waiting for Steve to finish breakfast. They were all doing their own things when Steve dropped a full plate on the ground. The others looked up at him as he sighed.
"Might as well just end it now." The others looked at Steve, concerned, before they heard a voice behind them.
"Oh, mood." Steve raised his head and looked at Peter. He was still reading his book when everyone turned to him. He looked up at them.
"What?" Steve smiled at the boy.
—time skip—
As time went on, Steve and Peter became very close. Mostly because Peter reminded Steve of himself. Which in turn caused Bucky to be protective over the kid. The three of them created a strong bond. What was said between them always worried the others.
Peter came into the tower with a failed spanish test (same). He sat on the couch in between Steve and Bucky.
"When will death befall me?" The others looked concerned before realizing it was probably one of those things they didn't understand. That was confirmed when Steve put his hand on Peters shoulder.
"We can only pray the reaper will arrive early for his appointment with us kid." Bucky and Peter nodded along. The team shared a glance before sighing. They left the room, speaking under their breathe about how they're gonna kick the trio out some day.

A/N: The best trio. Probably. You get two chapters today for the reads lol. I'm tired and running out of ideas. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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