Peter, Tony and May were hanging out in May's apartment, having a movie night. Peters head was in Tony's lap while Tony ran his fingers through the brown curls. May watched as Peter sighed and relaxed into the touch. Peter fell asleep not even half way through the movie, and Tony continued to play with Peters hair.
"Tony, I have a question for you." Tony looked away from the screen and focused on May. She took a deep breathe.
"If something we're to ever happen to me, would you take Peter in? Keep him safe?" Tony looked confused as he nodded.
"Of course I would. What's this about May?" She shook her head.
"Just, hypothetically, if there was nothing to help me, you're the most trustworthy person when it comes to Peter." Tony stares at her.
"How hypothetical is this?" She sighs again and looks down at Peter. Tony tries to catch her eye. She looks back up and a tear falls down her face.
"I'm not gonna last much longer Tony. There's nothing that can be done. Even with the best doctors, it won't keep me alive. So I need you to promise me you'll take care of Peter when I'm gone." Tony grabs her hand and looks into her eyes.
"I promise May. Nothing will ever happen to Peter." May smiles.
"If you get him hurt, I'll haunt your ass." They both laugh sadly and look back down to the boy who was now waking up. May quickly wipes her eyes before Peter sees her. The boy looks up at her and smiles softly.
"Hi May. I'm tired, I'm gonna head to my room." He stands up and hugs May. She hugs back, hiding her face in his neck.
"Alright Peter. Goodnight," she says while pulling away. He gives her a concerned look before waving to Tony and walking to his room. The two adults share one more look.
"I'll take care of him May."~~~~~~~~~~
A/N: This is an Oof. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!

Family friendly avengers content//one shots
أدب الهواةNot very family friendly. Cursing and other non child friendly stuff. You've been warned. Just a book of cliche one shots of tony and peter being #1 father and son duo. Including the other avengers of course. ---- I don't know what I'm doing. I'm n...