Bein' A Dad

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Endgame was such a good movie!! It was funny and sad at the same time. I don't cry during movies but this movie.... I need someone to talk to about this.

                 Tony can't make on the spot plans anymore now that they had Peter. They have to be thought out almost months in advanced if they do want to go somewhere. Having Peter also meant he couldn't sleep in. He used to be able to sleep from one am to seven pm. But now he tries to go to sleep early so that way he can wake up and take his kid to school. And if he accidentally stays up too late, then that's his fault. But he wouldn't change anything. He loved being Peters new dad.
                  Having another brain full of science in his home meant there would be even more blueprints and plans pinned to the walls or sat on desks. It also meant having to keep things that could explode about ten feet away from wherever Peter is at all times. Stuff gets broken all the time, but it's okay. What's the lab for if you can't fix things. Tony tried to tell him to be careful though. Of course Peter doesn't always listen. Tony tried to lecture him, but he can't stay mad at Peter. He loved being Peters dad.
                   Having Peter made him realize just how precious life could be. He remembered all of his old friends who he didn't speak to anymore and he remembered his first crush too. His experience helped him give Peter advice. Sometimes, the advice would come after hours of Peter crying his heart out while Tony cries from seeing his boy so broken. But then other days, Peter would be a ray of sunshine that filled the room with happiness. Tony couldn't feel anything but joy on those days. Tony does what he does because of Peter. He improved technology so Peter would be safe. He stopped drinking so Peter could have a good father. He settles down with Pepper so Peter could have something slightly normal. It felt good to take care of Peter. It's always hard to see Peter get hurt. His son bleeding and crying as the doctors reset his bones. But then the reward of seeing Peter smile so brightly after getting even the smallest of praise, made everything worth it. He loved being Peters dad.
                  The training wheels protocol has been set aside. It hasn't been used in a long time, but Tony doesn't want to delete it. It reminds him of when he first met the kid and how far he's come. The suit had to be upgraded constantly because Peter kept needing new fighting options since he started to go against bigger villains. The biggest milestone, and one of the hardest, was teaching Peter to drive. It didn't take long and Tony was proud of Peter. But now he was scared something could happen to him that didn't involve Spider-Man. He didn't want the kid in more danger, but it was important for him. Especially a few years later when he was heading to college. Tony helped him pack as kept his emotions in check. Peter was accepted into the school he went to and Tony couldn't be more proud. He felt guilty for not wanting Peter to leave, but he realized every parent felt that way. The team said Tony should be happy. He'll get his old life back, but Tony didn't want his old life back. He loved being a dad.
                  Being a dad has caused so much stress, but at the same time it made tony feel younger in a weird way. He always tried his hardest to keep up with his energetic kid. He remembers when he first met Peter and he smiles because the kid is still the shy and awkward little thing he used to be. It hurts when he sees his son crying over a stupid boy because of rumors going around that turn out to not be true. He can't keep the teary smile off his face when Peter smiles so brightly at his wedding. His heart fills with pride every time a new story of Spider-Man saving someone pops up on the news. No matter how old Peter gets, he'll always be the reason Tony does what he does. Peter is the most important thing in Tony's life. It's hard to see his boy sad and defeated. But the reward of his kind smiles and bright attitude make everything worth it. He loved being Peters dad.

A/N: I wrote this while listening to the song "Bein' a dad" by Chris Janson. The song is the cutest thing ever and I feel like it fits. Also I've never seen this song used, so boom. Original content. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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