Crack Time Bois

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I'm pretty sure these are from tumblr. Bad language words warning.

               "Mr.Thor, sir? I have a question." The god turns to Peter and gives him a soft smile.
               "If I blended Red Bull, five hour energy, monster, and hot Cheetos into an energy smoothie, would it kill me?" Thor shrugs his shoulders and puts a hand on Peters shoulder.
               "Only if you die young Stark." Peter nods his head and walks into the kitchen and pulls out a blender.
               "You're so smart Thor." He grabs a Red Bull out of the fridge as Tony runs into the kitchen.
               "Peter, STOP."
~~another one~~
               Stephen and Tony were working on something (can you tell I'm not putting in much effort?) as Peter walked into the room. He was swinging his arms and he hit his wrist on a table.
               "Ow! My armkle!" Tony sighs as Stephen looks at Peter in confusion.
               "Your what?"
               "His wrist," Tony answers for him. Peter shakes out his hand before walking out of the room.
~~another one~~
               Bucky looked down at the table and scrunched his face as he saw a spider. He grabbed a cup and placed it over the spider. He was about to grab paper to put under it when Peter walked in with two identical cups.
               "Don't you dare." Peter stopped then continued walking and placed the two cups down and shuffled them. Bucky let out a long sigh. Peter stopped shuffling and looked up at Bucky.
               "Pick a cup."
~~another one~~
               The team were all sitting in the couch as they played random games. Bucky started one that wasn't so family friendly.
               "Sam. Fuck, Marry, Kill. Thor, Steve, Tony." Sam didn't even think as he answered.
               "Fuck Thor, Marry Steve, Kill Peter."
               "I wasn't even one of the options."
~~last one~~
               Sam sat next to Peter as he was doing his homework and began to poke his side.
               "Hey, spooderman! Spoooderman! Spooooooooooderman!" Peter groans as he throws his pencil onto the table.
               "FLUORINE URANIUM CARBON POTASSIUM OFF!" Sam just looked at him in confusion while Tony looked at him in shock.
               "Peter Benjamin PARKER!"

A/N: I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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