Wisdom teeth

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I'm still trash
Tony was waiting for the nurse or whoever to come back out and tell him Peter was done in surgery. It was taking a lot longer than Tony thought  it would and he was panicking. Natasha kept telling him he was overreacting. He knew he was, but he was still nervous. He was about to ask how much longer when a young girl walked up to them, smiling.
"He just woke up. He's very entertaining. You can see him now," she says with a slight chuckle. They follow the girl to Peters room. When they walk in the room, Peter gasps.
"Missssster stork? What 're you doin here?" Natasha and Tony look at the boy fondly, laughing slightly.
"I'm here to take care of you bud." Peters eyes widen.
"Iiiiiiron mannnn.... is gonna take care of me?" Tony laughs and nods. Peter looks up to see Natasha.
"You're the...... black widow!" Natasha smiles.
"Yes I am, ребенок паук." Peter gasped.
         "You just called my baby spider. That's soooooo cool. Ned's gonna be jealous." He laughs before looking guilty.
          "Oh no, Neds gonna be jealous. He might get mad at me." The adults 'aww' quietly before responding.
           "Ned's not mad. He hangs out with us when you invite him over, remember?" Peter thinks for a minute.
           "Oh yeeaaaah. You're my daaaaaad." He giggles quietly,which Natasha and Tony find adorable. They smile at the boy.
           "Yup. Now let's get you home. Wade wants to see you." Peters eyes brighten.
—time skip—
As they walk into the building, Wade is a lot calmer then he usually is, but he looks at Peter the way he usually does.
"Hey baby boy! How are you?" Peter falls into Wades chest and he giggles softly.
"Im good. I looooooove you. Thiiiiiiiiiiis much!" He holds out his arms then pouts.
"My arms aren't long enough." Natasha looks at Peter fondly while Tony is trying not to glare at Wade.
"It's okay, Petey. I love you too. Just as much." Peter giggles again before snuggling into Wade.
" 'm tired." Wade smiles down at Peter, causing Tony's glare to soften.
"Get some sleep baby boy. I'll be right here when you wake up." Peter nods and slowly falls asleep while Wade runs his fingers through his hair.

A/N: I was gonna write more, but I don't know what to put so.... here's this. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!

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