11# A New Hero Has Come

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Michael, Calum, Luke, Sierra, Shawn, Niall, Sheryl, Raphael, Yuto, Aidan, Zoe, Gun and Tanya are going to have a sleepover in Crystal's house. She also has a big family but she has 4 sisters. Once they arrived at her apartment, she greeted them.

Crystal: Hey guys.

Aaliyah: Hi.

Michael: Hi Crystal.

Zoe: So we're here for a slumber party, you know when we tell each other secrets.

Crystal: Oh yeah, come on in.

They entered the house and Crystal's twin sisters, Ella and Etta are running around the house like hypers. They are around Tanya's age for some reason.

Crystal: Alright, time to go to bed little monsters.

Michael: (whispers) You know, when you and Thaiyo were little, you used to run around the house and make a mess sometimes.

Zoe: (whispers) Shut up!

Calum: (whispers) That's true, Zo.

Crystal: Sorry guys, it's just my little sisters again.

Tanya: Them again? They are in my class and I was unfortunately sitting in front of them and boom they messed up mine and Mandy's work.

Crystal: Don't mind them Tanya, they will behave someday, they are like 10 already.

Tanya: But it doesn't mean that I can still hang out with the big kids.

Everyone sat down and Crystal got them orange juice and while they are talking, Ella and Etta drank it all up.

Aaliyah: That's it, both of you go to bed at once.

Ella and Etta: It's not us, it's the Sapotis!

Zoe: What are Sapotis?

Crystal: Those little monsters, just like you Zoe.

Zoe: Hey stop it! I am 13 already, not 12.

Raphael: Hey Zo, let's just get apple slices.

Raphael and Zoe grabbed some apple slices from the refridgerator and gave it to their friends and brothers. They were talking to each other while eating the apples until the twins interrupted them again.

Crystal: Ugh, that's it! No more amusement parks and that's final. Also give me your hats.

Ella and Etta: Aww...

Crystal: Aww me again, until one of my friends will go, 'Hello, I am Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die' on you. Now go to bed you 2.

Crystal left the room while Ella and Etta started fighting over the hat and the evil spirit entered it making Rankora talk to them.

Rankora: Sapotis, I am Rankora. Your big sister's telling you what to do? Well, I'll let you be as mischievious as you want!

Ella and Etta: And do whatever we want? Like, stay up all night? And go to the movies? And eat lots of desserts? And drink orange juice? And still go to the amusement park?

Rankora: Yes, yes! But calm down. From now on, no one will ever be able to punish you, because it will always be another Sapoti's fault. All you have to do is to take 5 Seconds of Summer's amulets, and give them to your good friend, Rankora. Okay?

Ella and Etta: Okay!

Back to the living room, everyone heard laughs from Ella and Etta's room.

Crystal: That's it, my crazy sisters are going to be punished by now.

A Crazy EX Battle Season 2(Chapter 2)Where stories live. Discover now