13# Aqua Time

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Michael, Crystal, Calum, Luke, Shawn, Sheryl, Raphael, Yuto, Aidan, Zoe, Gun and Tanya are in the hidden museum to meet Ivy. They are talking about power ups.

Ivy: So what am I going to do is make some power ups for your amulets.

Shawn: What kind of power ups?

Ivy: Aqua power ups.

Calum: But I can't swim.

Gun: Don't say that.

Ivy: You will swim, Calum but for now, we need the ingredients for the power up you need.

Just then, Shawn's phone ringed and it was from Niall.

Shawn: Excuse me.

Sheryl: Why? Who's calling?

Shawn: Niall.

Sheryl: Okay.

In the call... 📱📱📱📱📱📱

Shawn: Hello?

Niall: Shawn, where are you? The new Captain Marvel movie is about to start.

Shawn: Sorry, but we will be there.

Niall: Okay, see you there.

Hangs up... 📲📲📲📲📲📲📲📲📲📲

Shawn: Sorry, my friend Niall needs us.

Ivy: Okay, I will work on the ingredients, and give him the Snake amulet and a Star amulet for your other friend.

Shawn: Okay, see you later.

They went out of the museum and Niall and Sierra are waving at them at a distance. They approached them through the streets too the movie.

Sierra: Guys, what are you doing in the museum?

Luke: Well, we were meeting someone there who needs us.

Sierra: What is she like? Nah I'm just teasing ya, let's go to the movies.

Sheryl: Looks like Luke and Sierra are getting along.

Shawn: I know.

They entered the movies and the intro is playing until water is running.

Thaiyo: Looks like someone forgot to turn off the faucet.

Zoe: I don't think so.

Raphael: The floor is lava!

Tanya: Are you serious? We are not in Hawaii but we are sure to be near the ring of fire.

Yuto: Let's go to the exit.

Crystal: Everyone! Evacuate the theatre, now!

Everyone evacuated the theatre and from the view, it looks like Sydney is connected to the coast while it's flooded.

Michael: Looks like we are in the Pacific Ocean already.

Zoe: Quick, we have to head to the Hidden Museum, we need the power ups right now. And Sierra, Niall, stay here.

Michael, Crystal, Calum, Luke, Shawn, Sheryl, Raphael, Yuto, Aidan, Zoe, Thaiyo, Gun and Tanya went to the hidden museum to meet Ivy again. This time she is on the rooftops working on the power up.

Michael: Ivy, we're here.

Ivy: Guys, I tried but I couldn't find the right tear of joy.

Zoe: I know, who is the crybaby here?

Everyone went silent.

Calum: Uhh... Thaiyo...?

Thaiyo: Calum!

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