6# Big Giant Baby

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Michael, Crystal, Calum, Luke, Sierra, Shawn, Niall, Sheryl, Raphael, Yuto, Aidan, Zoe, Thaiyo, Gun and Tanya are at home planning on Kayla and Ashton's honeymoon and how to do it.

Michael: Alright guys, so we are going to plan for mum and dad's honeymoon and it will take place in the park.

Crystal: So we have to get there by bus right?

Michael: Yup, anyways I'll choose the codenames, based on video game characters, like Final Fantasy. I'll be Tidus.

Crystal: Oh yeah cuz your hair is simular to the protagonist who is a popular cosplay character.

Michael: Crystal, you'll be Yuna.

Crystal: Umm... this is awkward.

Michael: Yeah cuz Tidus has a crush on Yuna.

Calum: Then who will I be? Some other guy?

Tanya: I'll choose the codenames, Calum will be Asriel, Luke will be Lancer, Sierra will be Susie, Shawn will be Seam, Niall will be Rudinn, Sheryl will be Noelle, Raphael will be Ralsei, Yuto will be... Michael you choose a codename for Yuto.

Michael: Yuto will be Auron.

Yuto: I'm too young to be Auron.

Aidan: So?

Tanya: Aidan you'll be Sans, Zoe you'll be Undyne, Gun you'll be Frisk and I'll be Chara.

Michael: Good so the plan is that Yuna and I will go call... Tanya, would you mind choosing the codenames for mum and dad?

Tanya: Uhh... mum will be Toriel AKA Goat Mum and dad will be Asgore AKA Goat Dad.

Gun: Because Asgore and Toriel are goats.

Tanya: I know right.

Michael: Okay so Yuna and I will call Toriel and Asgore but we have to hide. Then Asriel will...

Calum: Play Hopes and Dreams, SAVE The World and His Theme?

Tanya: Woah woah woah, spoilers.

Michael: Not now, you and Frisk should set up the honeymoon which is made of decorations Undyne made, then Undyne and Papyrus will blindfold Toriel and Asgore and then we will all surprise them.

Zoe: More like I was attacking a human just because they are a murderer.

Michael: And the rest of you, do what you have to do so we should be at the park in half an hour.

Gun: Good so let's go.

They went to the park and had a meeting before the mission.

Michael: Okay, so are we ready?

Everyone: Yeah.

Michael: Okay, go to your places and let's go! Yuna, you stay with me.

Crystal: Uhh... okay...?

Everyone went to their places and Michael called his mum and dad over to the park while the rest of his peers hide. It wasn't until a giant baby can be heard by all of them.

Crystal: Tidus, there's a giant baby.

Michael: What the?! Everyone, you need to get out of your places, now.

Niall: What's going on?

Michael: There's a giant baby who wants a lollipop.

Zoe: Ugh seriously? Lollipops are not for kids his age.

Sheryl: You know what that means, we have to be superheroes.

Sierra: But we don't have our wrist amulets.

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