Angry (SMUT!) Part 1

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"Can't fucking..." I growl to myself as I stomp through the hallway of my house, hearing the echoes of each step pound through the walls.

"FUCKING BELIEVE HER!" I yell out loud with angry as I slam my fist into the wall.

My best friend  has broken my trust once and for all. She had told me that she didn't know anything was going on at my school,

See what happened was, there were people going around telling others that I, Annie went around the school, sleeping with as many guys as I could get.

She even made a fake account with my picture on it, going to some random dudes number and gave 'proof' of me saying shit like I'd suck him off for a quick buck.

"I'm so not fucking like that!" I growl at myself.

"What did I do to her to make her fucking do that?" I ask myself, crossing my arms to keep myself from punching my damn wall.

I come to stop, sighing softly as I feel my back go against my cold wall, sliding down onto the wooden floor. "I just..." I start to say, feeling myself about to cry.

But before anything of the sort, I heard someone knocking at my door. "Ugh.."

I don't really wanna talk to anyone, but, I was curious to see who could be at the door. So, I push myself back to my feet, clutching my hands into fists once more then I started heading towards my front door.

The door didn't have a peep hole so that was a minus but anyway I opened up the door and the familiar sight of silver blue hair and pale skin filled my sight.

My nose scrunches up as I stare to my rival best friend. "Ugh, What do you want?" I ask harshly, ready to close my door.

She must've see this because she placed her hand onto the door, walking up to get into my bubble. "Billie, what the fuck are you doing here?" I asked her.

She didn't answer. She looked like she was gonna, with her mouth wobbling as if she were trying to find the right words.

"Ugh, just leave me alone." I grumbled to her, trying to push the door closed but made sure not to hurt her.

"Wait, Come on! L-Lemme explain!" She begged, shoving herself into my home. "Billie!" I snapped, "I will call the damn police if you do not leave." I warned her.

She stared at me, "No you won't." She tested me, her bright blue eyes downing into my dark hazel hues as I stare up to her with a bit of regret.

Billie then gave a smirk which...kinda scared me. "Do it," She told me, her voice in a low raspy tone.

A soft urge of breath escaped my mouth with it ajar. I felt my insides churn as I realized how fucking close we were. "G-Go away.." I said in a much softer tone.

"Look, Please. me out." She begged once more.

I stared to her and with a shake of my head, "No!" I snapped, "You fucking hurt me, Billie. Like. Really fucking bad." I growl at her.

My angered expression then turned into a soft one, seeing how Billie looked down to her feet with her face scrunching up with sadness.

I heard a slight stiffened huff come from the singer in front of me, as if she were to say something but just kept it in and just in a moment I watched her stand back up in a quick movement, I felt her hands going against my cheeks.

She sucked in her breath before she made me stumble back, letting her lips lock onto mine.

I gasp in a breath, feeling her plump lips gather mine in between hers, my legs feeling weak as I take a step back.

Managing to push her off me, I look to her and saw her hunched over a bit with her chest escalating as she stared to me with her bright blue eyes.

My heart was pounding, my body shaking as she stared. My lip quivers up with anger as I storm up to her,

Billie has backed up, scared that I would hit her. Instead, I grabbed her shoulders and threw her against the shut door, hearing the thud of her body against it. I gave a angered smirk as I gripped her neck, forcing her lips onto mine.

A soft huff came from both of our mouths, the air mixing with one another as I push myself up against her. I gave a light chuckle, "Heh.." I purr against her lips as my hand never leaves her throat.

Billie gave a shudder, a shaky breath to complete it. I give a smirk. "What's the matter, Billie?...~" I asked in a soft voice, my lips going up against her ear.

Billie gave another shaken breath, "N-Nothing.." I hear her say. It was fucking hot. Billie being all submissive and shit was just... mmmm lemme tell you. It was fucking hot.

"You're funny." I tell her, grabbing her jaw tightly. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." I order to her.

A soft scared gasp came from her as her eyes looked to mine. I laughed softly, "You know how fucking hot you are?" I asked her.

She didn't answer.

"Billie.." I ask once more, having a soft tone.

She still didn't.

I felt my anger start to rise once more. "Billie, Fucking answer me." I demanded, pulling her face towards mine.

"N-Np I don't..." She said softly, a smile trickling onto her face. Once I saw this, I gave a smirk myself, my hand lifting from her jaw up with her cheek with my thumb resting against her plump lips.

"Fuck I've wanted those lips for so long.." I admit, rubbing her lip softly. I then push mine back into hers but this time, instead of harsh and deep. It was soft and slow, my eyelids shut gently.

I felt Billie's arms gently lift up, them hesitating on whether they wanted to stick against my hips or remain in the air. "Don't be afraid.." I whisper against her lips and gently grab onto her wrists placing them against my hips as mine grab onto Billie's shoulders.

Billie smirked as I feel her pull me into her roughly.

Imagines | Billie Eilish | Smut included! | (WARNING!)Where stories live. Discover now