Hurry (Imagines)

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(Billie's Pov)
"Finally!" I exclaim as I watched the car get pulled into my house's driveway. "Finally fucking home!" I add as I grab my things that we- and by that I mean Finneas and I- bought for dinner earlier.

I then take my ass out of the car, throwing back the door to shut it.

The humidity of the air outside caused me to gasp once I felt how chilly it was inside. But, it felt GREAT.

To turn the lights on, Finneas heads towards the nearest light switch but I only just hurry up the stairs towards my room. I couldn't wait to get my ass down into my bed.

It had been a long night for Finneas and me. We were out just shopping and a whole crowd came over and surrounded us. Like, I love my fans but back the fuck up.

A huge relieved smile formed onto my face as I flip on my bedroom lights, looking around to my slightly messy room.

A puff of air exits my cheeks as I throw my bag onto my roller chair as my ass jumps onto my bed. "Fuck yes, Bro!" I exclaimed at the great feeling of my chill mattress hitting my back.

I laid there for about 3 minutes just enjoying the quiet that filled the room.

A  short relieved sigh came from me as I jolted onto my side, reaching over to my bedside table.

My phone now in my hands, I quickly scroll through the millions of notifications. I was hoping to see one specific one, but nothing.

I sighed softly, letting my tongue press against the side of my cheek.

Just when I went to place my phone back onto the table, I felt it buzz in my hands.

I felt my heart skip a bit with a bit of anticipation for a certain someone. I opened up my phone as quickly as I could, seeing the name next to the message icon that said 'Y/N'.

A huge smile formed onto my lips, "Yes!" I said with a bit of a happy squirm. I quickly tapped on the notification and opened my phone.

(Y/N - Mamas)
(Billie - Bills)

Mamas: Hey billie :))

Bills: hey bro❤️

Mamas: Wyd?

Bills: jus got home hbu??❤️

Mamas: ooooh really? can i like fuckin come over? I haven't seen you in so long! ;(

"Hmm.." I hummed to myself, think if I should let Y/n actually come over even though Finneas will hate it because he's very fucking cranky when he's tired.

I gave a snicker out loud as I looked to my phone again and began to type once more.

Bills: :)) yes, jus be careful tho, bro is tired and u kno how he is😂

Mamas: ohhhh shit bro :(( 😂🤙🏼

I shook my head.

Bills: So when u coming over?

Mamas: Hmm..maybe in like... 30 minutes?
Mamas: or less if you'd like me to

Bills: Well if u rlly wanted to see me why not earlier?

Mamas: ha you're desperate I see 👀👀

Bills: aye fuck u

Mamas: If you really want to :)

Bills: Jus get ur ass over here

I then grinned once y/n replied with an 'okay' and I didn't really feel like changing so I just sat up and pulled up my purple silverish hair into a pony tail.

(below is what she looks like vv)

And after about 15 minutes, I heard soft knocking on the downstairs door

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And after about 15 minutes, I heard soft knocking on the downstairs door. "Shit! No!" I said with a chuckle breaking into my sentence. I didn't want Finneas to hear her.

Exiting my room, hurrying downstairs to the door. Luckily for me, Finneas was still in his room.

The door flung open with my strength. "Hey!" I said with a half smile.

Y/n looked to me with a grin, causing one of my eyebrows to raise. "You okay Bills?" She asked me, "Yes, but what took you so long and didn't you forget what I told you?" I asked her, crossing my arms.

"Oh yeah, Finneas." She laughed.

"Uh yeah, now come in!" I laughed and grabbed her arm pulling her inside.

Finished!! Haha! I like this one :)
Lemme know what y'all think?

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Imagines | Billie Eilish | Smut included! | (WARNING!)Where stories live. Discover now