2 ▫ Betrayal?

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A/n: 2nd chapter whooo. I'm really glad that I've pre- written a few chapters because I'm starting to learn to drive so I'm going to have less time to write but anyway, I'll still update weekly and uh ye.

Also Fairy Tail has given me extremely unrealistic expectations for friendships :((((

But anyway, enjoy the chapter :)))))

"Why...?" Y/n asked, the anxiety bubbling under her skin turning into anger as she ran towards the wall of purple glowing text, hitting her fists against it, her eyes wide with fear.

"Y/n calm dow..." Freed tried but was cut off as the H/c girl spun around to face him again, anger filling her eyes.

"Shut up!" She yelled "You promised that no one would hurt me! I swear Freed if you don't get rid of these runes..."

The green haired male tried to approach the frantic looking girl however, he was stopped upon seeing the H/c girl surrounded by a black mist, her hand pulled back with one of her daggers clenched tightly in her fist, ready to attack him.

"Y/n! No-one's going to hurt you, please calm down," Freed tried to reason, however, the H/c girl didn't seem to hear him and when he tried to step closer to her again, she charged at him, her free hand grasping the other dagger, barely giving Freed time to react and pull out his own sword.

The H/c girls attack was blocked by the blade of Freed's sword and he stepped back, trying to think of the best way to go about this.

The rest of the guild watched with bated breath and Laxus went to move forward and help Freed however, Makarov stopped him.

"Leave this to Freed. We don't want anyone getting hurt, we just need her to calm down," the short man said to his grandson

Another few attacks were sent in Freed's direction and he managed to block most of them, only receiving a couple of cuts from Y/n's daggers. Luckily, the H/c girl hadn't tried to use any magic and Freed managed to catch her off guard as she stumbled back after her attack was again blocked by his sword.

He managed to grasp one of her wrists in his hand and twist it behind her back, making the H/c girl drop one of the daggers. His sword came up to rest against her throat and she froze in fear, her other hand releasing the second dagger. The blade felt like it was burning against her throat and she squirmed slightly to try and move away from it however, with Freed's body behind her, she couldn't move very far.

"The runes are just as a precautionary," Freed spoke, his breath fanning over Y/n's neck as he spoke "To make sure you don't run away before anyone can even explain," Y/n tried to nod in understanding, fear rushing through her as the blade touched her skin from the small movement "If you still want to leave after everything has been explained then you are free to do so,"

The rune mage removed the blade from Y/n's throat and dropped her hands, moving back a few steps in case she attacked again. When it looked like she wasn't going to, he replaced his sword in its sheath and went to pick up the daggers she had dropped, handing them to the H/c girl who took them quietly and put them away again. She looked slightly paler than before but Freed figured that it was normal considering she'd just had a blade held to her neck, making another mental note to apologise after she had talked to Makarov.

Makarov approached the H/c girl now, gesturing for her to follow him and she obeyed, briefly making eye contact with the rest of the thunder legion before looking down again and following Makarov wordlessly.

She was led into a small office like room and was told to sit down as Makarov sat down as well on the other side of a small desk in the room.

"So I'm going to hope that they briefly explained the situation to you," The small man asked, to which Y/n nodded and he continued "I'm sure you have a few questions about it so feel free to ask,"

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