10 ▫ Arguments

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A/N: I'm thinking of possibly changing updates for this to every other week as life has gotten hella hectic recently, I only have the weekends to do everything, obviously, I'm going to try and continue weekly updates but I'm not sure how long I can do it for

Y/n ducked down as she was temporarily blinded by the light, hoping to partially avoid any possible explosions. Covering her head with her arms, she could barely hear Freed's voice through the phone as the loud noise rang deafeningly loud.

The H/c girl struggled to see behind her to check if the rest of the team were okay and she could vaguely make out the shapes of them also crouching down to avoid the swirling wind that surrounded them.

Eventually, the wind began dying down and the loud noise quietened. The light began to dim and Y/n risked a glance upwards towards where the runes had previously been.

Her eyes widened upon seeing the body still there and looking intact, quickly scrambling to her feet. Without thinking, she ended the call with Freed, having not heard his previous concern and rushed over to the body, followed closely by the rest of the team.

"What was that?" Lucy asked uncertainly

"I have absolutely no idea...But it looks like it's over now," Y/n explained and Erza moved to check the person's pulse, a frown forming on her face

"He's dead," She spoke solemnly and the rest of the group's faces fell. "We should call the police, just to be sure," She turned back towards the group "Natsu, are you sure this is the guy we were supposed to find?"

The dragon slayer nodded slowly and the group began working, contacting the police along with the family who sent in the request. From that moment, the small clearing was full of noise from various police officers collecting evidence and conducting interviews.

The family of the victim had arrived soon after, breaking down upon hearing the news and they were soon spoken to by some of the officers who helped to comfort them. They thanked the Fairy Tail wizards in between pained sobs and the group took their leave, returning to the train station in the centre of the town in relative silence.

"Did you get any pictures of the other runes which you didn't know?" Erza asked Y/n as they sat on the train.

"No...I just hope that it wasn't anything too important....same with the ones this morning," The H/c girl replied

"We can only hope for that I guess," Lucy added, "What did Freed say about it?"
Y/n felt her blood run cold at the question
"I uh...I accidentally hung up on him...before I explained,"
The train carriage went silent for a moment before Lucy tried to reassure the H/c girl that the rune mage would understand.
They fell into comfortable conversation as the train headed back to Magnolia, the sky gradually darkening as they went. It was almost pitch black when they reached the station and upon checking the time, they discovered it was pretty late, however, they made their way to the guild to report back to Mira about how the mission went.
They entered the guild which was unsurprisingly still fairly busy and headed over to the bar where Mira stood, however, Y/n felt a hand grip her wrist as she moved to follow after the others.
Upon turning around, she spotted Freed who had a grimace on his face.
"Freed! I..uh..." The H/c girl stuttered slightly, glancing around her to try and catch Lucy's attention.
"What happened?" The rune mages voice was stern and left no room for arguments as Y/n subtly tried to free her wrist from his hold.
"It wasn't anything important," She mumbled and Freed unknowingly tightened his grip on her arm.
"Stop lying Y/n, I'm not stupid," His voice was low and almost threatening and Y/n looked away from him

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