11 ▫ Freedom And New Danger

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A/n: The app I use to edit the photos for the notes isn't working properly and I'm trying to work on a future chapter but I need the app to work :((((((

Gonna have to do this the hard way instead :((((

The train swayed and rocked on the tracks as it headed towards the station nearest to it's intended destination. He had been informed that the train had to stop completely at the station before the next town due to the dark guilds runes and so, he would have to walk for around two hours before he would reach the town. He had been on edge throughout the entire journey, worrying about Y/n and had felt a strange dip in his magic at one point which did nothing to ease his nerves. His nervousness had prevented him from sleeping through most of the ride and he was currently one of the only passengers on the train as it headed towards its last stop. The sun had started to rise and upon checking the time, he found that it was almost six in the morning. The screech of the breaks made him wince from the sound and he moved to exit the train, feeling another dip in his magic which was strong enough to make his head feel slightly fuzzy with the intensity.

What on earth was happening?

The rune mage tried to ignore it and got off the train, taking out a map which he had brought and starting to walk in the direction of the town. The sun had risen in the sky however, it was still early, and so, he began walking, hoping that he could get to the town and undo the runes throughout the day. If he was lucky, he would be able to remove the runes in just one day, that way he could stay the night in a hotel and get the train home the next day. He still didn't like the idea of leaving Y/n alone however there wasn't a lot he could do about it now.

The air grew slightly colder the longer he walked, however, it wasn't unbearable and so he persevered and hoped that there wouldn't be members of the dark guild waiting for him so that they could attack. He hadn't gotten much sleep at all the previous night, drifting in and out of sleep for around 3 hours of the 7-hour train ride, however, he tried his best to remain on guard, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword just in case.

He grew closer and closer to the town and began quickening his pace once the town was in sight, fearing the worst as he approached.

He could see the purple glow around the town and could see a couple of the runes from the distance he was at however, he couldn't start rewriting it until he was much closer.

Another dip in his magic power made him pause for a moment before continuing and trying to ignore the feeling of dread that settled in his chest along with the dip. Whatever was causing this would have to wait, he had a mission to complete, he could worry about Y/n later.

And so, he continued until he eventually reached a large wall of familiar runes glowing a dark purple, preparing himself for the long day that was surely ahead of him.

Y/n awoke in an unfamiliar bed, the sunlight streaming in through a small sliver in the curtains. She found herself drifting off again, after a night of interrupted sleep surrounded by a comforting scent that she couldn't seem to place no matter how hard she tried. Her awareness grew and her mind managed to realise that she was in Freed's bed
Confusion formed in her mind as she tried to figure out why she was here before realisation dawned upon her. Freed was gone. He was on a solo mission. And they had argued just beforehand.
Her hand came to rub at her eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them as she dragged herself out of bed. She can't exactly sit and wallow in self-pity all day. After dressing, she moved to the kitchen, preparing something simple to eat and cleaning up afterwards before leaving the house and heading to the guild. Something felt off as she walked, almost as if she was being followed however, every time she turned around, she could not see anyone. Speeding up her pace, she continued on her way to the guild, trying to ignore the bad feeling settling in her stomach. Luckily, she reached the guild quickly, immediately spotting Evergreen and Bixslow sat at a table however, Laxus was nowhere to be found.
She approached the two nervously, unsure whether they would be mad at her for being unfair to Freed yesterday, however, as Evergreen spotted her, she waved her over, gesturing for her to join them.
She did so and Evergreen immediately asked
"Is everything okay? I heard about you and Freed yesterday, are you alright staying without him though?"
The H/c girl nodded with a small sigh and replied.
"Yeah...I shouldn't have gotten so annoyed at him..."
"It's okay baby, Freed will forgive you, he's not the sort to hold a grudge," Bixslow added and the H/c girl nodded before a long yawn cut her off.
"Are you tired?" Evergreen asked and the H/c girl nodded
"Didn't sleep too well last night, but I'll be okay," she responded
"You should sleep for a bit," Evergreen suggested and the H/c girl nodded, resting her head on top of her arms on the table.

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