29 ▫ Gone

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A/n: Heyyyy enjoy this late-night update from me, I should probably be getting to sleep now but yeyeye I thought I'd upload this first whoop

Freed had long since lost sight of Y/n and could feel worry building up inside him. Acting on his gut instinct, he retreated, sending a stream of runes into the sky to signal to his teammates to retreat as well before making his way quickly towards their designated meeting spot. He was soon met by Evergreen and Bixslow who both looked somewhat shaken up at his decision to retreat but otherwise glad to see him, however, a quick scan of the immediate area told them that Y/n was nowhere to be seen. The rune mage tried to squash down the wave of uncertainty that built inside him however, he couldn't help but have a bad feeling about the situation. Y/n hadn't used her signal to tell them she was in trouble, so where was she?

"Should we go and look for her?" Bixslow suggested, noticing Freed's uncertainty, to which the rune mage shook his head.

"She's not used her signal. We're just going to have to hope she's on her way here,"

The group settled to wait for the H/c mage, each of them growing more uncertain the longer the silence remained.

The H/c mage could only remember one other time in her life she had run this fast. It was a long time ago and thunder had rumbled threateningly in the distance as she ran away from the only place she had ever known as home. She shook her head as she ran, willing herself not to think about that dark time in her life. She had to get away from Freed and the rest of the team, she had to get away from Fairy Tail. She could barely feel her legs with how far she had run but she didn't care. The train station was visible in the distance and she was determined to get there and get home, no matter what it takes.

People rushed to move out of her way as she ran through the streets and she soon found herself stood on the train platform, desperately trying to catch her breath as she waited for the next train to Magnolia.

Almost as soon as the train pulled in, she boarded, collapsing onto one of the seats and pulling out a scrap of paper from her pocket and a pen. Wracking her brain, she tried desperately to remember the wall of runes she had seen, scribbling down as many runes as she could remember as well as jotting down the translations she could work out.

The train rattled and jolted, making it harder for her to write, however, she persisted and by the time the train pulled into the station, she had worked out most of what the runes had said.

As quickly and discreetly as possible, she made her way off the train, setting off at a fast pace towards Freed's house to grab her stuff quickly. Keeping her head down with her hood pulled up over her head, she tried to avoid being recognised as she darted through the streets of Magnolia however, she should have known she wouldn't be so lucky. Just as she rounded the corner to go towards Freed's house, she missed seeing the person in front of her, only noticing him when she fell back from the force of hitting them.

Frustrated, she picked herself back up again, ignoring the hand that was held out towards her in favour of glaring up at the person in front of her, pausing as realisation dawned upon her.

"Laxus?" Her voice was riddled with confusion which the lightning dragon slayer mirrored in his own expression.

"Where's Freed?"Laxus' voice was serious and only served to throw Y/n off even more.

"I don't know..." She lied, hoping the lightning mage would drop the subject. She could feel anxiety coursing through her veins the longer she stood where she was. There was a high possibility that Freed or someone else could come and find her. The rest of the team might have told someone in the guild she had disappeared and they had now sent out a large scale search party. Her thoughts were interrupted however by Laxus' voice again.

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