26 ▫ Visions

297 13 1

A/n: I've had a sudden burst of motivation today to get this fic finished today as I figured I'm so close to the end of it I can do this! But yeah, I think a couple of chapters ago I said I'd planned for 36 chapters but after reviewing my plan for it, it's decreased to 34 chapters. I'm still somewhat ahead with writing chapters so I'm just hoping I can find time at some point to write more and get it done. But anyway, I hope everyone enjoys this chapter! :))))))


The H/c girl could barely hear Freed's concerned yell over the ringing in her ears upon hearing that one question.

Where is the book?

She could see sharp, ruby-red eyes staring straight at her from beneath the hooded cloak that the figure wore and felt frozen as they bore deep into her soul. It was only when the figure was thrown back by purple runes flying towards them that she snapped out of her daze, seeing the figure curled over in pain, clutching at their chest where there were purple runes inscribed.

"Come on!" Freed shouted, grabbing Y/n's wrist as he followed after Evergreen and Bixslow, leaving the house and the people in it.

When they were back outside, Y/n tried to pry her wrist away from Freed's hand, protesting

"We need to look around! What if there's something important there?"

The rune mage looked at her in disbelief

"Don't you see? It was a trap! We can't go and look around, in case you didn't notice, they were trying to kill you in there!"

Y/n looked away and nodded, beginning to walk to catch up to Evergreen and Bixslow.

"You're right, sorry,"

The rune mage sighed before speaking again.

"Wait, Y/n," The H/c mage paused for a moment and Freed walked closer to her, gently taking her hand.

"I'm sorry...I just don't want you to get hurt," The rune mage began "I'm sure you know by now but someone clearly wants you for something, I don't want to lose you...and in there...they came very close to hurting you..."

Y/n let out a long breath and nodded.

"I know," She gently squeezed Freed's hand with a small smile "It's ust...incredibly frustrating...it's like we take one step forward and then 10 back. Anytime we find something that could be useful, it turns out to be a trap or it's just pointless...." she looked down at the floor and Freed moved to gently wrap his arms around her.

"I know...hopefully it will all be over soon..."

They stayed like that for a moment before Y/n pulled away, looking around and spotting Evergreen and Bixslow waiting nearby doing a terrible job of acting like they weren't watching them.

"We should probably go, huh?" Y/n gave a small smile and Freed nodded as they began walking towards their teammates, staying on guard in case they were being followed by any of the hooded figures.

When they were back on the train again, Y/n decided to bring up what the figure had asked her when they were attacked.

"He asked where the book was...I'm starting to think that this book is more important than we first thought..."

The rest of the group seemed to think about it for a moment before Freed spoke.

"The notes are all in this language...and it's an ancient rune language...could it be that the runes around the town are in this language maybe?"

"Hmm...maybe...but then why would other people be trying to find the book...is there more than one guild trying to undo those runes?"

"There could be, but I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure the request just said we needed to find you so other guilds shouldn't still be trying to," Freed seemed to think for a moment before continuing "It could possibly be the dark guild responsible for this?"

Y/n hummed before speaking quietly

"I remembered something just before we walked into the building..."

All eyes focussed on her as she took a deep breath and continued.

"I saw what was going to happen in there..."

Silence filled the train carriage before Fred asked quietly, raising an eyebrow

"You knew?"

The H/c mages eyes widened as she realised what she had said, frantically trying to explain.

"I only remembered when we went inside! I swear...Weeks ago when we were training, you used dark écriture; fear and I had a vision sort of thing..." She noticed Freed's hard stare on her and continued "I saw the address and then I was inside...I saw the people closing in...I...I didn't think anything of it at the time but now...It was like a warning..."

She was almost afraid to meet Freed's eyes however, they no longer held the hard stare they had previously and she relaxed slightly.

"That was when you got that second note right?" The rune mage asked, to which Y/n nodded.

"Freed...I..." She looked up and met his eyes, a determined look on her face "I want you to use dark écriture; fear on me again. It might give us more information about the town and the dark guild...please..."

She knew he would most likely protest however, it was worth a try. And it could really give them important information, surely it was worth a try?

"Y/n...I don't think that's a good idea..." The rune mage avoided her eyes as he answered and Y/n stared insistently at the side of his face. "I don't want to hurt you..." The last part was so quiet it was almost a whisper and Y/n had to strain her ears to hear it.

"You won't." Y/n stated certainly "And if you did, it's for the greater good,"

"Y/n..." Freed's face pulled into and unsure grimace "I don't know..."


The train carriage was full of tense silence as they waited to see how Freed would respond, three pairs of eyes focussed on him as he sighed and answered quietly.

"Let me think it over...I...can't agree to anything just yet...."

Y/n nodded in contentment. Freed hadn't outright disagreed which was a start. If she reassured him that she would be alright, maybe he would agree.

The train continued rattling down the tracks and screeched to a halt in the station back in Magnolia. Everyone stood and gathered their things, heading back to Fairy Tail, determined not to let what happened bother them.

They were called over by Master Makarov when they entered the guildhall and he began questioning them about what had happened and whether they had found anything. As they explained, Y/n had a thought and quickly added at the end of their explanation.

"I had a vision of what was going to happen today a few weeks back when me a Freed were training. He'd used dark écriture; fear on me and I was wondering if maybe doing it again would give us more information," She could see Freed's wide-eyed stare directed to her, however, she ignored it, and continued "Do you think there may be a way to do it which wouldn't harm me?"

Makarov seemed to think for a moment before answering

"I can't guarantee if it would work but if Freed didn't truly want to hurt you, the attack might not work properly but may still give you another vision,"

They all nodded, however, Freed still looked uncertain. Y/n glanced at him and noted the unsure look on his face, reaching over to take his hand and squeeze it gently.

"I promise you won't hurt me," She spoke quietly and Freed took a deep breath before nodding.

"Yeah...I'll do it, but only if you promise you won't let me hurt you. We need to think of some way for you to signal for me to stop though,"

Y/n nodded and looked between Freed and Master Makarov in silent agreement.

"So we're doing it?" She asked, receiving a nod from Freed.

"Let's do it,"

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