33 ▫ Recovery

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A/n: Had a little help with this chapter from my beautiful pup barney hehehe, it took a while because I didn't have the heart to move him off my keyboard but I mean, what can you do? He's a baby.

Back at the guild, Freed was greeted by many concerned faces of those who hadn't gone with them to the town as he quickly made his way towards the infirmary, laying the H/c mage down on one of the beds with a concerned sigh.

"Please be alright," He spoke quietly before the door flew open, Porlyusica entering the infirmary with Mira close behind. The takeover mage glanced between the unconscious H/c mage and the rune mage, a concerned expression on her face upon seeing how pale Freed's face was. They both watched quietly as Polyusica looked over the H/c girls injuries before sighing loudly and speaking to the two conscious mages without so much as glancing at them.

"I need some bandages. And some antiseptic to clean these with,"

Mira moved to grab the requested items as Freed seemed to be frozen in place, staring lifelessly at the H/c mages unconscious body.

"She'll be alright, but she'll be in pain for a while. And these will need changing every day," The older mage explained as she began cleaning and dressing the more serious burns Y/n had sustained, starting with where he guild mark used to be, the place where Freed's gaze seemed to be locked.

The room was filled with silence as Porlyusica worked before it was interrupted by loud voices entering the guild.

"The others must be back," Mira suggested, to which Freed nodded with no real enthusiasm "I'll go and see how it went,"

With a sigh, Freed sat down next to the bed which Y/n was in, watching as the older mage worked, the H/c mage's body slowly being covered in more and more bandages. When Porlyusica finally finished, she gave a brief glance towards the rune mage before leaving, letting silence settle over the infirmary. With a shaky breath, Freed gently took the H/c mages hand in his own, leaning down to place  a gentle kiss on the bandaged skin before his emotions finally got the best of him, silent tears making their way down his face which he angrily wiped away just as the door to the infirmary opened once more, revealing Evergreen and Bixslow who entered the room quietly, moving closer to try and comfort the rune mage.

"Will she be okay?" Evergreen asked after a long moment of silence, to which Freed nodded

"She will be, eventually,"

"We...Brought someone back with us...She wants to see Y/n...If that's okay...?" The fairy mage asked, to which the rune mage nodded mindlessly.

Evergreen moved to open the door to the infirmary, speaking quietly to someone before stepping aside, allowing them to enter the room and closing the door behind them.
Freed briefly glanced up, surprise filling him upon seeing Y/n's mother stood looking unsure in the doorway of the infirmary, her gaze flicking between the rune mage and the unconscious H/c girl.
"Y/n..." The cloaked woman spoke quietly, unbelieving as she saw the sheer number of bandages covering the H/c mages body.
"She'll be okay. I promise, I'm going to make sure of that," Freed tried to reassure, noticing how the worry didn't leave the older woman's face.
"I said not to tell her you met me but..." Y/n's mother began "You can tell her and...if she by any chance wants me back in her life, I'll oblige. If not...I'm moving on in three weeks, I can't stay around here...not now...I want it to be up to her..."
She moved closer to the bed, her hand coming to rest upon Y/n's face, looking intently as if trying to memorise every detail before stroking the singed H/c hair, tears falling slowly from her E/c eyes.
"Goodbye Y/n,"
With that, she turned to leave, wiping roughly at the years streaming down her face.
"Don't come and find me unless she says to,"
With that, she left the infirmary, leaving the three mages in silence once more.

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