15▫️The Book

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A/n: I'm actually a couple of chapters ahead with this and I can't wait to upload the next few chapters cos things are gonna get interesting. And I passed my theory test this week so I'll have more time to write this! Whoo! I should also be posting another Freed X reader one shot this weekend, possibly tomorrow so check that out if you're interested :))))

Y/n didn't mention to Freed about what she had found at the archives. She had already decided that she would go to the next town tomorrow, find the book and be back before Freed even knew she was gone. If Freed found out, he would no doubt try and stop her and so, she kept silent, the rune mage voicing his concern when the H/c girl was much quieter than usual.

His worry was brushed off with a small comment about her being tired and the subject was thankfully dropped and the two got ready for bed, neither of them knowing what the next day would bring.

Sunlight began streaming in through the slightly parted curtains and the H/c girl awoke, getting ready and starting to make something for the them to eat when Freed awoke.
The rune mage emerged soon after and was surprised to see Y/n cooking who smirked slightly and joked lightly
"What? You think you're the only one who can cook?"
She received a shake of the head in response and Freed responded
"I'm just surprised is all, you didn't have to do this,"
"It's alright, I was up early anyway,"
She finished cooking and they sat down to eat, Y/n voicing her plans for the day to cover up her real intentions.
"I was thinking of walking around Magnolia for a bit today, I need time to think over everything and I've still not seen most of the town,"
The rune mage looked up at her in surprise, the expression showing clearly on his face.
"Alright, I can come with yo-"
"No!" Y/n cut him off and Freed stared at her in surprise. "I mean, I'm just not used to being around people this much, I need to clear my head a bit alone,"

Freed looked at her unsurely and the H/c girl tried her best to give a reassuring smile.

"I promise I'll be back before it gets late," She tried to convince him, to which he reluctantly agreed.

"Promise me you'll be back before it gets dark, and that you'll be safe," The rune mage spoke, a stern look plastered on his face.

Y/n nodded and rolled her eyes at him, Freed's glare only growing.

"Okay, okay, I promise," The H/c girl responded, her voice filled with seriousness. Freed seemed satisfied with this response and the two of them finished eating before leaving the house, beginning to walk before going their separate ways.

Y/n walked slowly until she was out of sight of Freed or anyone else from the guild who happened to be lurking nearby the guild before speeding up her pace, using the faded memory from her mission with team Natsu to guide herself to the train station. She bought a return ticket to the next town and boarded the train, sitting down next to the window, staring out as she waited for the vehicle to start moving. Her mind wandered to what Freed would think if he knew where she was truly going however, she shook her head as if to rid herself of the thought, not wanting to dwell on the rune mages reaction, instead focussing on the task at hand.

She read over the address she had written down the previous day, memorising it as the train set off, rattling down the tracks towards where she would hopefully find the book she needed.

Freed entered the guild hall, an unsettling feeling building as he made his way over to Evergreen and Bixslow who sat at one of the tables to the side of the guild. They both looked confused as he approached and Evergreen asked

"No Y/n?"

The rune mage shook his head and explained

"She's gone to explore Magnolia, she wanted to be alone for a bit,"

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