27 ▫ Dark Écriture

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A/n: I'm quite excited to finish this fic in all honesty. It's been somewhat fun to write but it's exciting to think that I can move onto other things soon. Anyway, enjoy this chapter :)))))

With Freed's agreement, Y/n grinned at the rune mage as he gestured for them to go outside to the training area used by guild members. Evergreen and Bixslow followed closely behind and once they were outside, they were soon joined by Master Makarov and Mirajane. As they walked, Y/n spoke quietly to Freed.

"I promise you, I'll be alright," She reached to grasp his hand and squeezed gently, receiving a small smile from Freed

"I know you will be. I can't help but worry though...If you get hurt...If I hurt you...again..." The rune mage railed off and Y/n gave a reassuring smile.

"You won't. I know it,"

It was hard to argue further when Y/n sounded so convinced and so, Freed gave her hand one last squeeze before moving to stand opposite her.

"Now Freed, send the attack towards Y/n. It will automatically weaken because you don't actually want to hurt her. Y/n, you should still be aware enough to tell Freed if it's too much," Master Makarov explained, to which the two mages nodded.

Freed began focussing on his attack, drawing his sword to send the runes flying towards Y/n. who managed to only flinch a little. Of course she was afraid, who wouldn't be? However, she trusted Freed and she knew, somewhere inside her she knew that she would have another vision and would find out more information.

She looked down and saw the purple runes inscribed on her chest before glancing up at Freed, seeing the look of worry on his face and giving what she hoped was a reassuring smile before fear took over her, filling her mind and body as vivid images flashed through her mind.

Darkness surrounded her. At first, she figured maybe she had gotten it wrong and that she wasn't going to see anything or gain any new information however light soon began flooding her field of vision as her eyes blinked open. The light was almost blinding as it grew brighter and brighter before disappearing completely. She blinked a couple of times to adjust her eyes to the drastic difference in lighting and what she saw did nothing but confuse her.

She was in a building of some sort, from what she could see, it looked like someone's house, with family portraits decorating the wall opposite her. She looked down and saw that her body was translucent, lifting a hand to reach out and touch the nearest object to her. Upon establishing that she could, in fact, touch things, she began walking around the seemingly abandoned house, curiosity filling her.

Finding no useful information, she headed towards the door, pulling it open ever so slightly and peering out of the small gap. She saw no signs of life and so carefully, quietly made her way out of the room, heading straight for the set of stairs she could see. Creeping quietly, she descended the stairs, constantly looking out for people who may or may not be able to see her.

The lighting downstairs was dim and made everything look dingy and depressing however, she ignored that, keeping an eye out for anything that may be of use.

After doing a couple of laps of each room and finding nothing of use, she headed to what she assumed was the front door, again being careful about how much noise she made. 

The street outside was abandoned, and it looked like it had been that way for a while now. Broken glass was scattered across the pavement, spilling onto the road and other rubbish including cans and cardboard littered the streets. She saw no signs of life and began walking down the street cautiously. She wasn't exactly sure how this vision worked and so, she wasn't sure if people could see her, or if they could attack her, therefore, it was better for her to be careful. For all she knew, if she got injured, the vision may end before she could find something of use.

Throwing her head back to glance up at the sky, she noticed an eerie purple glow which seemed to radiate from a couple of streets down. Attempting to follow it, she walked through winding streets and dark alleyways, her hands always resting on the daggers still strapped to her thighs. A sudden thought made her pause and she tried to use her magic, finding herself unable to and hoping that she wouldn't get attacked.

After getting lost a couple of times following a few wrong turns, she finally saw what was creating the eerie glowing. At first, she only spotted it in between some houses, however, as she made her way through one last alleyway, she saw it in its full glory. 

A seemingly neverending barrier of purple glowing runes stood before her, tall and intimidating and glowing that same dark purple. Upon closer inspection, she realised, they weren't just ordinary runes. They were the ones from the book. She spun around, quickly observing her surrounding as realisation dawned upon her.

She was in the town captured by the dark guild.

The runes they had used were the ones in the book.

That was why so many people were trying to stop her from getting the book.

It all made sense now.

She spotted a dark figure, hidden in the shadows nearby, watching her, waiting. Neither of them moved, neither of them spoke however, she immediately saw their face curl into a grin and frantically looked around, trying to work out what they were grinning about.

She sa it almost immediately.

The town was slowly being consumed by vicious flames, engulfing buildings and filling the air with the disgusting smell of smoke. Her eyes widened and she felt bile rising in her throat. She had to get out of here. The smell slowly changed to that of burning flesh and she felt a wave of nausea wash over her, making her collapse to her knees before the dizziness became too much and everything began to go dark. The last thing she saw was a strangely familiar face staring at her from the hooded figure before she lost consciousness...

Y/n had collapsed to her knees almost as soon as the spell took effect and Freed found himself sick with worry watching her. It pained him that he was unable to do anything however, he had to keep his focus on the spell, or Y/n may not find out anything at all.

Evergreen had knelt down beside the H/c mage and was keeping her upright and Freed couldn't help but feel somewhat useless due to his inability to help.

Everything was somewhat calm for a moment, there was the occasional twitch of an arm from Y/n but other than that, she was completely still. The rune mage managed to take a deep, calming breath, however, it was futile as he saw Y/n go completely limp in Evergreen's hold.

At that point, he didn't care whether Y/n had found anything out, ending the spell and rushing over to her as Bixslow, Mirajane and Master Makarov also crowded around her.

"She'll be okay, it will just be the exhaustion taking over," Master Makarove explained as Freed scooped the H/c mage up into his arms"Take her to the infirmary, if she gets any worse, we'll call Porlyusica,"

The rune mage nodded and quickly made his way inside, his teammates following him as he laid the H/c girl down on one of the infirmary beds before collapsing into a chair beside the bed.

"Do you think she saw anything?" Bixslow asked, to which Freed nodded.

"Definitely...And I don't think it was god, whatever it was,"

Silence filled the room and Evergreen and Bixslow also pulled out chairs to sit down as they all waited for Y/n to wake up, hoping that the vision she had just had wasn't too bad.

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