22 ▫ Fantasia

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Y/n managed to gather the strength to stand on her own, releasing Cana as they made their way towards the centre of town. They could see the weapons Erza had summoned to try and destroy the thunder palace however, the lacrimas had now begun glowing with electricity. They all sped up, running despite the pain of their injuries however, they paused upon hearing Waren's telepathy.

"Listen up guys, use your magic to destroy the things floating over the town! Laxus is going to use them to attack the city! There's no time! We gotta do it together!"

At this, they all got into position, summoning what little magic power they had left and aiming at the lacrimas.

Various attacks flew through the air aiming for the lacrimas as the whole guild joined together, trying to protect the town from Laxus.

"Black magic; shadow ball," Y/n sent multiple balls of shadows towards the lacrimas, using the very last of her energy. Everything seemed to be going to plan as the lacrimas shattered, raining down shimmering dust however, as they watched, lightning began to rain down on them. Y/n froze seeing the lightning coming towards her before the pain hit her, causing her to collapse to the floor once more, trying her hardest to look around and see where everyone else was. A smile made its way onto her face despite everything. As much as she tried not to get attached to the guild, every day she found herself feeling more and more like she belonged. With this thought, she let her eyes slip closed, content.

Cana called out to the H/c girl however, she didn't respond. The brunette moved over to Y/n's lifeless body and gently shook her arm to try and wake her and the H/c girl stirred slightly.

"..What..? Did it work?" She mumbled, her surroundings looking fuzzy.

"Everyone's safe," Cana clarified, helping the H/c girl to stand as Mira joined them "Come on, let's get back to the guild,"

Later on, everything seemed to be back to normal. The guild was back to its usual loud nature and Y/n almost managed to relax slightly for the first time that day, however, something still wasn't right. She hadn't seen Freed since he left to stop Laxus even though the lightning mage had been defeated. If she was being completely honest, she was slightly worried however, she tried not to focus on it, still confused as to why Freed had agreed to this. She took a deep breath to try and get rid of the anger which had started building up inside her and winced in pain. Luckily her injuries were only minor compared to others, however, one of her ribs was supposedly cracked or at least severely bruised, making it painful to breathe. The guild fell silent for a moment and the doors swung open, revealing a bruised and battered Laxus.

Tension hung heavily in the air as Laxus spoke with Makarov, no one wanting to be the one to break the awkwardness however Laxus himself broke it by leaving almost as soon as he entered. No one said a word as he left, no one knowing what to say until the lightning mage was out of sight and earshot.

"We should prepare for the Fantasia Parade," Erza suggested, receiving noises of agreement from the rest of the guild as the guildhall bustled with excitement once more.

Y/n was in awe seeing the parade. Fireworks exploded in the sky, creating a sea of colours and lines across a black canvas as the sky darkened gradually. Excited faces lined the streets, children cheering in happiness as the parade started. 

Floats drove through the streets with brightly coloured displays on them with mages displaying their magic, creating beautiful displays and leaving the audience in awe. Y/n stood with Cana on one of the floats whilst the card user created a beautiful display with her magic. Y/n joined in towards the end of it, sending spiralling swirls of darkness into the night sky, intertwining with Cana's card magic creating an intricate pattern of cards and shimmering shadows.

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