24 ▫ Planning

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A/n: So...uh...I'm alive...hehe.I would like to say a massive apology for abandoning this fic for like...a month, I was only planning to take a week off updates as I was away and then when I got back I just gave up? I guess. And since thenI've started my second year of college and its literal hell soI'm just ugh...But I'm feeling a lot better about this fic and about writing in general after having a break from it so that good. I feel like I was writing so much over the summer trying to get these chapters written that I just burnt myself out so yeah, lets maybe not do that again.

But anyway, about this fic, I'm hoping to get back to weekly updates but I can't guarantee what day they'll be on. It will be either Friday night, Saturday or Sunday but it kind of depends on whether I'm busy. Other than that, I've sort of merged two chapters into one and I'm thinking of scrapping another chapter I planned as it seems a little excessive so that means I'm expecting to have maybe 34/35 chapters, I'm not 100% sure yet though. 

But annyyyywaayyy enough of me talking, I'm sure people just want to read this update after this long so I hope everyone enjoys this chapter~

As soon as Y/n awoke the next day, she was greeted by Freed who seemed eager to start planning a mission to visit the address Y/n had found. They quickly got ready and ate before heading to the guild, spotting Evergreen and Bixslow sat at a table waiting for them.

Evergreen noticed them first as they approached and asked once they were in earshot

"Freed, what's this about going on a mission? You didn't explain anything to us,"

The two of them took a seat opposite and Freed began explaining to his teammates

"One of the notes that Y/n got, it has an address on it when she translated it," He paused for a moment and Y/n took over

"I was going to go on my own the other day to check it out but with everything that happened....well I didn't really have time. Then when I mentioned it to Freed he convinced me to go with you guys,"

"Sounds like fun baby," Bixslow grinned before Evergreen asked

"Where is it?"

"We're not sure yet, Thirteen Sage Street, have you ever heard of it?"

They both shook their heads in response and Freed nodded, standing up from where he sat as Y/n followed his lead.

"We'll find out where it is and come and tell you," The H/c mage spoke as they headed towards the library.

Once in the library, they quickly found an atlas containing maps from all around Fiore, opening it to look through the index. After coming back empty-handed, they both sighed, glancing towards each other and accepting their fate, opening the book to its first page and scanning the map for any similar addresses.

"Of course it couldn't just be easy for once," The H/c mage sighed, Freed nodding in agreement.

They read quietly, eyes scanning the pages for anything that could be the right place and after almost half an hour, Y/n finally pointed something out on the map, elbowing the rune mage to get his attention.

"Could this be it? It seems rather far away though....."

Freed leaned over to look at the map, seeing where Y/n was pointing and humming.

"It's the same name...I guess we can't be sure but it's the best guess we've got," Freed nodded "Lotus Town...I've been on a couple of missions there, it's about three and a half hours on the train,"

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