34 ▫ Together Again

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A/n: Finally the last chapter! Hehe, I'm so happy to finally finish this as it's now my longest story, whoop! I hope everyone enjoys this chapter and I hope everyone's enjoyed this story!

The sun was beginning to dip in the sky as Y/n reached the large park in the centre of Magnolia. Her hands rested upon the daggers strapped to her thighs, prepared in case her father attacked and prepared for any wicked tricks he had up his sleeve. She walked cautiously through the park, trying to calm her racing heart before she reached the place that had been stated in the note sent to her. Spotting a small bench nestled in between a few trees, she moved to sit down to wait, bouncing her leg up and down to keep herself occupied as she waited, her hands always resting on her daggers just in case.

She heard footsteps approaching her and stood up, her stance ready to attack if necessary, however, what she saw caught her completely off guard.


The confusion was clear on her face and in her voice, her eyes wide and her mouth practically hanging open.

"Are you really that surprised it's me, who else would it be?"

The H/c mage found herself lost for words, staring aimlessly at the rune mage who gave a small smile as he held his hand out towards her.

"Walk with me?" He asked somewhat nervously, to which the H/c mage nodded, unsurely removing her hand from where it rested on her daggers and carefully taking Freed's offered hand as if he might disappear any second.

She could feel her heart beating painfully fast in her chest as she stole subtle glances at the rune mage, all the feelings she had felt whilst in Fairy Tail quickly bubbling up to the surface and overwhelming her.

"Can I ask what this is about?" Y/n spoke quietly, fixing her eyes on the stone path ahead of them.

"Do you mind if I keep it a surprise?" Freed countered, glancing at the H/c mage in awe, taking in all of her features with an overwhelming feeling of love blooming inside him.

The H/c mage simply nodded, keeping her eyes forward as they walked. The path began winding upwards towards to top of a small hill, providing a stunning view of the nearby scenery, however, Y/n's gaze was distracted by the large blanket spread out on the grass, a wooden picnic basket sitting on one corner and small jars each with a little unlit tealight in on the remaining three corners.

Freed gave a sheepish smile and led Y/n over to the picnic blanket, ushering her to sit down as he quietly lit the candles in the jars, sitting down next to the H/c mage.

"Freed..." Y/n spoke quietly, unsure what to say in response to the rune mage "I'm sorry but what is this about?"

"Y/n...I'm sure you can probably guess..but..." The rune mage paused before continuing with a deep breath "I want you to come back,"

It was quiet for a moment whilst Freed gathered his thoughts and Y/n spoke quietly

"Freed...you know I can't...." 

"Please, just let me explain," Freed continued, taking a deep breath before looking into the H/c mages eyes "When you left...I...didn't know what to do with myself. I missed you more than I've ever missed anyone in my life but I knew there was nothing I could do about it. I worried about you quite a bit and wondered whether you were eating and sleeping alright and I realised that...I really like you Y/n...In fact, I love you...I knew it before you even left but I refused to admit it to myself...But now..." The rune mage gave a sheepish smile and reaching into his pocket, pulling something out which Y/n could not see before continuing "I want you to stay....here..with me...I know you don't want to join a guild and you don't have to...I just wanted to tell you how I feel..." With that, the rune mage handed the H/c girl the small box he was holding.

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