23 ▫ Apologies

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A/n: Okay so I'm away next weekend so I won't be able to update this, unfortunately. I apologise for that but I am still struggling to continue this story as much as I really want to.I've already ranted about that in a previous chapter so I'll not write it all out again but yeah, I feel like this story is really draining me recently and maybe a week without an update might help? I don't know really I'm at a complete loss right now. But anyway, enjoy this chapter.

The two mages exited the guild, however, Y/n continued walking, leading them away from the guild and away from prying eyes. As they found a quiet spot, Y/n turned back to the rune mage, her arms crossing across her chest as she looked at the rune mage expectantly. Freed took a deep breath and looked into Y/n's eyes, trying to think of how to say everything that was filling his head. Y/n looked almost concerned now however, there was still slight frustration in her eyes.

Freed sighed and began talking.

"Ugh...I don't even know where to start...I should apologise, for today, I blindly followed Laxus and I realise that was the wrong thing to do...If there was a way to go back and change things..I would...But obviously, I can't,"  

Y/n still stared somewhat sceptically and she asked

"Why did you go along with it?" 

Her voice was cold and emotionless and Freed faltered for a  moment before answering.

"I...Laxus...I've followed him for as long as I remember...He's the first friend I ever made...I didn't think he was capable of this so when he suggested, I guess I thought he'd never go ahead with it...Not that it excuses what I did," The rune mage paused for a moment "I know you probably don't want to be around me right now, I deserve that but I want to let you know," He sighed loudly "That I'm really sorry for what happened. I don't expect you to forgive me but if you'd let me, I'd like to make it up to you. I know I may not have shown it much but I like you Y/n, I'm not close with many people but I'd like to get to know you better, if you'd let me,"

Now it was Y/n's turn to sigh and Freed looked away.

"I can't..." The H/c mage began "I can't forgive you yet...What you did was beyond unacceptable....and stupid...but I can't say I don't understand why you did what you did...When the people you care about ask you to do something, you often do it without hesitation, after all, why would they tell you to do something wrong?" Y/n looked off with a wistful expression and Freed almost tried asking what was wrong however, the H/c mage continued "But they do. People lie and use others to hurt the people around them. That I can understand. So I'm not mad..."

The rune mage looked ready to protest however, Y/n held her hand up to stop him.

"Let's just try and move past this, okay?" Y/n gave a small smile "I don't want to fight with you again..." The H/c girl looked down to avoid Freed's eyes however, the rune mages hand came to rest on her cheek, tilting her face to look at him before realising what he did, pulling away with a slightly flushed face.

"Sorry..!" He noticed Y/n was also slightly red in the face however, he didn't have time to dwell on it as Y/n giggled slightly

"It's alright..." 

The silence settled once more between them before Freed asked somewhat quietly.

"How badly are you injured?" His voice was so quiet that Y/n hardly heard him however, she just caught what he said and looked up at him.

"Not too badly, all thing's considered. Some of the others came out so much worse. One of my ribs is apparently cracked but it will heal," 

She didn't miss the look of anguish that crossed his face as he heard this however, she didn't mention it, holding out her hand towards him.

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