14 ▫ Searching For Answers

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A/n: Gonna be honest, I've still not actually finished watching Fairy Tail yet...¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I already know a lot of the spoilers which is kinda sad but oh well. Anyway, enjoy this probably slightly shitty chapter :))))))

Freed watched the H/c girl as she disappeared into the guild's library, sighing as he headed over to his team who sat around one of the tables, talking quietly.
"Freed, you're finally here," Evergreen spoke and the rune mage sat down beside her.
"Are you still going ahead with it?" Freed directed his question towards Laxus who nodded.
"Of course, almost everything is set up, it would be a waste to scrap the whole plan now," The dragon slayer spoke in a quiet voice, to which his team nodded in agreement.
"What about Y/n?" Evergreen asked, her voice filled with concern.
"What about her?" Laxus asked, his voice showing no emotion.
"If she gets hurt, who's going to finish the mission?" The fairy mage continued.
"I'll write it so that she can't leave the guild as well," Freed reassured however Evergreen and Bixslow still looked unsure.
"It will all be fine, you're all worrying too much," Laxus shook his head at his other two teammates "Why'd she just disappear like that anyway?  You two didn't fight again did you?"

Freed shook his head and shrugged.

"She's just frustrated that we couldn't find this book, It's the only lead we have about the notes she's been getting,"

The rest of the raijinshuu nodded and the conversation topic changed pretty quickly. Freed found himself drifting off in his thoughts slightly, trying his hardest to recall if he had ever seen any of the unknown runes. Upon remembering nothing, he focussed back into the conversation, something about Laxus' newest plan.

Y/n's hands came to rub her temples as she entered the library, her eyes scanning the room and spotting the section she had previously looked in before continuing around the room, a new aim in mind.

Her head pounded slightly with what would be the start of a headache and she spotted her target. Magic books.

The shelf was lined with countless hardback books, the spines decorated with golden details carved into the thick brown leather.

She pulled the first one off the shelf, coughing as she inhaled the dust cloud that flew up from the shelf. She flicked open the heavy front cover, reading the contents page and frowning slightly.

1-11 - Books on the origins of magic

12-24 - Books on using basic magic

25-30 - Books on the theories of magic

She sighed upon seeing no relevant topics listed, closing the book and replacing it on the shelf before moving onto the next one, repeating her previous actions and again finding nothing.

After four more books, her eyes widened upon finding something that may help her.

125-134 - Books on the origins of letter magic

Quickly, the H/c girl flicked through the old pages, finding the right page and letting her eyes roam over the text.

Many books have been written about letter magic over the ages, one of the most remarkable ones is possible G.R. Castelle's series on ancient rune magic and other word magic types. The first book written by Castelle is simply titled runes and had only a couple of copies made due to the high potential of the magic being used for evil. The copies that were made were given to the rune mages who protected Magnolia many years ago when the dark guild, Shadow Blade attempted to attack. Ten rune mages were given copies of the book and they have either held onto them or passed them onto someone they believe is trustworthy. It is unknown whether the books are still with the original 10 rune mages and so for anyone trying to find the books, it could be a wild goose chase, however, the best places to start are the ancient libraries around Fiore where the rune mages lived. If this doesn't work, the town's archives may contain documents detailing who the mages were who were given the books. This would provide a name and where they lived at the time which could help, however, getting hold of the archives can be difficult-

She stared at the wall opposite her in disbelief. This book had practically described where to find the book she needed, she could easily find them now. Shooting up from where she had sat down at some point, she thought to go and show Freed, however, on second thought, she replaced the book on the shelf, sneaking out of the library and staying out of sight as she left the guild. If she was fast, she could probably find the book by the end of the day, that way Freed wouldn't have to know she was looking for it.

A victorious smile made its way onto her face as she exited the guild, heading towards the town centre where the archives would likely be kept. She walked quickly, already knowing that what she was doing was quite irresponsible, however, Freed most likely would have stopped her if she had told him, and she was reaching the point of desperation wanting to know what the notes said.

The town centre housed a large building with stone bricks, some of which had various carvings in them from years ago. The large wooden doors were scuffed however, they still held the shine from the varnish painted on them years ago

Her hand reached out to push open the heavy doors, the smell of old books hitting her full force as she entered the old building. She headed towards the desk in the centre of the room and gained the attention of the receptionist who helped direct her in the right direction. She began making her way around the large building, ending up on the third floor where the receptionist had pointed out. Her E/c eyes began scanning the files on the shelves, reading the titles and looking for the right documents.
Before long, she had looked through the majority of the files and had no luck in finding the right one. An old looking man with wiry white hair and a weathered cane walked past her, asking if there was any way he could help her with a small smile on his wrinkled face.
"I'm looking for the documents that name the 10 rune mages who fought against the dark guild Shadow Blade, I've not been able to find it so far, do you happen to know where I might find it?" The H/c girl asked and the old man gave a wistful smile.
"I think I may know what you're looking for, if you'll follow me," The man lead the way, leading Y/n back downstairs to the ground floor and then down another flight of stairs, leading them to the basement.
"I'm going to guess you're looking for the book on ancient rune magic?" The H/c girl nodded and the old man smiled "You're the one Fairy Tail has recruited to fight against a dark guild if I'm right?"
Again, Y/n nodded, staring I'm disbelief at the man.
"You're well known around the town at the moment, it was big news when the dark guild took over, everyone's hoping it will be over soon,"
A large door came into sight and the old man pushed it open, holding the wooden door open for the H/c girl to walk through. It lead into a dark tunnel and the man lifted a finger, a small line of fire coming out from his hands and lighting the candles which lined the walls.
"Obviously there must be a reason you're looking for this book and I'm willing to help you if it will eventually lead to the town being freed, you see, my granddaughter was visiting when the news came about the guild, I've not heard from her since and it's getting harder to continue being hopeful,"
"I'm terribly sorry, I promise I will find a way to remove those runes," The H/c girl sounded determined and the man smiled.
They continued down the winding stone tunnel before reaching a large room with shelves lining every wall.
"Wow...I had no idea there was this much information here..." Y/n stared wide-eyed as the man headed towards the left of the room, looking on one of the shelves for a moment before smiling with a victorious
A large folder was pulled off the shelf and the man approached the table in the centre of the room, placing the file down and opening it to the contents page.
His eyes scanned over the list of pages before finding what he needed, flicking through to that page and reading through the information.
"Here we are," he spoke and pointed the H/c girl towards the bottom of the page.
"A lot of them seem to live quite far away," Y/n commented before the man pointed out one name she hadn't noticed.
"This one's not too far away, it's about a two-hour train ride," He suggested and Y/n nodded.
"That's the closest one?"
The man nodded and Y/n continued
"Okay, I'll set off as soon as possible, I will get your granddaughter back safe, I promise,"
The H/c girl quickly scribbled down the name and the address on a piece of paper before thanking the man and leaving the old building, making her way back to the guild and slipping inside without anyone noticing.

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