He's Back

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Elizabeth woke up to Meliodas' arms wrapped around her waist. She chuckled lightly and removed his arms so she could move, but it was useless. He moved his arms back around her waist and pulled her down into his chest.

"Don't leaaave~ you're so warm!" He mumbled.
"Meliodas, we gotta get up." She kissed the tip of his nose.
"Fineeee, but you owe me later~" He smirked, causing Elizabeth to blush.
"Idiot-" She giggled. Meliodas stood up and held out his hand to help Elizabeth up as well. The two of them walked out of their tent. No one else was awake.

"I'm gonna go get some food, I'll be right back." Meliodas kisses Elizabeth on the cheek before running into the forest. Most likely to do some hunting. Elizabeth sighed and sat down on the ground. She noticed a wilted flower and frowned. She held out her hand and began to heal the flower. It quickly rose back up.

"All better." She smiled. She felt a presence standing behind her. She assumed it was Meliodas.

"Y'know, Mel, it's kind of rude to just watch someone without saying anything." She joked. Before she could stand up and face him, she felt a hand on her mouth and an arm wrap around her waist. She began to panic and tried to scream, but failed.

"Shush, shush," The voice whispered.
"It'd be a shame if something bad were to happen to your friends, wouldn't it? Princess.."

Her eyes widened, tears filled them. She didn't want to be the cause of their deaths, especially not Meliodas'.

"What can I do in this situation? Come on! Think, Elizabeth, think!" She thought to herself. She remembered her wings, and how her powers have been fully replenished. She tried to stretch her wings out, but the man's body was pressed against hers. She couldn't move.

"Tsk, I tried to be gentle and kind about this." He sighed. He removed his hand from her waist and moved it up to her head. Black came from his hand, making Elizabeth pass out.

"I'm sorry about this," He said, throwing her over his shoulder. "But there's someone who wants to see you."

With that, the man and Elizabeth were gone. They had vanished into thin air.


Meliodas has returned to the rest of the group, everyone else was awake. But Elizabeth was no where in sight.

"Mornin, everyone! Where's Elizabeth?" He asked.

"Huh? We thought she was with you!" Margaret said worriedly.

"Damn!" He panicked and ran to grab Lostvayne, which was in the tavern. He stormed in, scaring Zeldris.

"What's going on with you?" Zeldris asked.

"Something happened to Elizabeth. We don't know where she went," Meliodas explained in a panicked tone. Zeldris went from cool and collected to worried. He and Elizabeth had bonded recently, they became good friends.

"Well, I bet I know who took her." Zeldris said.

"Yeah, then we should hurry. Who knows what he might be planning."


In a dungeon somewhere, Elizabeth woke up to her arms chained to a wall, and her legs as well. But she was still standing. It was pitch black, she couldn't see anything.

"Arc!" She whisper-yelled. But it didn't work. She desperately yanked her arms and kicked her legs in an attempt to free herself, but all it did was cause bruises and wounds.

"Struggling won't work." A voice said from the shadows.

"Who are you?!" Elizabeth asked. "Please just release me!"

"Can't do that, sorry." The man said. Suddenly, lights turned on. Elizabeth closed her eyes and slowly opened them again, letting them adjust to the light.

The man she saw made her panic. It became harder for her to breathe.

"Estarossa? You- You imbecile!" She cried. Her warm tears flowed down her face and neck.

"Elizabeth," He hummed, walking over to the goddess chained up to the wall.
"I'm sorry for scaring you, but I need you to be with me. Not him." He whispered in her ear. This only caused her to cry more.

"I won't! I won't ever be with you! Why can't you just accept that?!" She shouted. This displeased Estarossa, causing him to frown.

"I really tried to be civil about this, but if you won't listen then i'll just prove my love to you!" He said. He snapped his fingers and a small sword appeared in his hand. He held it up to her shirt and cut it straight down the center, making it fall. All that could be seen was her bra.

"Stop!" She pleaded. "I don't want you to prove anything to me!"

"There there, Elizabeth," He put his hand on her cheek. "It'll be over soon."

this sucked ASS but whatever

anyways hey! i'm stressed out lmao i'm trying to make a new amv (it's just an anime edit with like music) and it's stressing me out so i took a break to finish this chapter!

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