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Estarossa chuckled and took a few steps away from Elizabeth, examining her body. Elizabeth gasped for air, she couldn't breathe. Her anxiety levels were sky high. The only thing she could think about was Meliodas, and everyone else. Oh, how worried they must be. Her tears immediately stopped running at the thought of them.

"I-I can't stay here. I gotta get out!" She thought. She started yanking on the chains, hoping to pull them out of the walls.

"Calm down, Elizabeth. You can't free yourself." Estarossa said, pushing his body onto hers to get her to stop moving.

"Get off of me." Elizabeth said coldly.
"I have a family waiting for me at home. I don't have time for you!"

"A family? You mean the 'Seven Deadly Sins'? You aren't related to them at all!"

"You don't have to be related to someone for them to be family!" She snapped. "A family is something you care about, the people you can always go to for support, the people you cherish with all your heart. And it's not just the sins, it's many other people! My sisters, my father-"

"Your sisters and father?" He laughed. "They aren't your real relatives."

"How dare you say that when you know as well as I do that your brothers aren't your real brothers either!"

"What makes you say that?"

"I know you're Mael, you can't fool me. I don't know how you got turned into a demon, but I still sense goddess blood within you."

"Elizabeth," He grabbed her chin, "I'm not Mael anymore. I'm not a goddess. But," He said, pulling her face closer to his, "I am still in love with you."

"You've got a funny way of showing it.." She mumbled.


"We've gotta find her." Meliodas said, grabbing his head.

The Sins were on their way to find Elizabeth, along with Griamore, Gilthunder, Howzer, Erina and Ira. Everyone else had to go home, for their safety.

"What even happened?" Erina frowned.

"We don't know. We all woke up this morning and she wasn't there. Neither was Meliodas but he came back with food." Diane explained.

"We assumed she was with him, but we were wrong." King said.

"It's my fault!" Meliodas yelled, punching the wall. "I should've stayed with her!"

A tear escaped his eye. All he felt was heartbreak. He loved her so much, and now she was gone.

"It's just one thing after another! Estarossa is going to pay!"

"Captain, don't beat yourself up over this! It could've happened with any one of us!" Diane said, trying to comfort him. He just shoved her away and went upstairs. Diane was shocked that Meliodas had just pushed her. She fell to the floor.

"Diane!" King exclaimed, rushing to her.

"Poor Captain.."


"Come on Elizabeth, think of a plan." She thought. Almost instantly, she had an idea.

"Estarossa, I understand you love me. As long as you don't hurt my friends, I'll stay with you." Elizabeth sighed.

"What?" He backed up a little bit to give her room to move. "Are you serious?"

"Very, but you mustn't hurt them! And, you also must release me. I promise I won't try to run away, it's just, these chains hurt." She said as she started to cry again.

"Very well, then." He said, flipping a switch to release her. She fell to the floor, but she luckily caught herself before her face could hit the floor.

She began to heal her wounds. Once she was done, she stood up, realizing she was practically half-naked. She covered herself with her arms.

Estarossa laughed.

"What's the point in covering yourself if I'm going to see it all eventually, anyways?" He smirked. Elizabeth wanted to vomit at the thought of it, but she kept it hidden.

"Still, others might see." She said.

"Then I'll show you to your room. We gave you a ton of clothes."

"My plan is working, once I'm alone I can escape."


why do all my chapters suck ASS

anyways hi! it's been a hot minute since i've updated my stories so get ready for a spam of updates!

are you excited for the next chapter? i know i am bc i have no idea what's even gonna happen lmao i haven't gotten that far yet.

anyways, have a good day/night!

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