The End

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"Let her go." Meliodas said, slowly allowing his demon mark to reappear.

"She's mine, Meliodas."

"I dare you to say that again!"

"She's. Mine."

"I warned you." Meliodas said. He let black markings take over his entire body. He was transforming into his assault mode.

"Meliodas, no! It'll be nearly impossible for you to return to your senses if you do this!" Elizabeth shouted. She tried to run to him but Estarossa held her back.

Meliodas didn't listen. Once he transformed, he attacked Estarossa, causing him to go flying out into the hallway. Luckily, he released Elizabeth before the attack hit. Meliodas followed him into the hallway and punched him in the stomach.

"That's for hurting her. This is for kidnapping her, and this is for treating her like a hostage." He said all as he continued to punch Estarossa.

"Meliodas, stop!" Elizabeth said. She flew towards him and hugged him from behind.
"Stop! It's okay- I'm okay." She said in a soothing voice.

Meliodas slowly calmed down. His body returned to normal. He turned around and hugged Elizabeth tightly and started crying.

"It's okay. Please just let me handle this." She said. She let go of him and walked towards Estarossa. She held out her hands and started chanting something Meliodas couldn't understand. Suddenly, the brightest arc he had ever seen appeared around Estarossa. In a flash, he was gone.

"W-why didn't you just do that to begin with?!" Zeldris asked.

"Because, he said if I didn't comply he'd hurt you all. He had to be weakened in order for that spell to work and I wasn't able to even land a hit. Besides, this is the demon realm. How would I have been able to get back?" She said with a small smile.

"I'm sorry, guys. We didn't make it in time." Derieri said. She and Monspeet looked saddened by this.

"It's okay!" Meliodas said. Elizabeth smiled.

"Let's go home. You're welcome to come with us, you two!" She said.



The five of them headed back to the human world and flew to the tavern. Once they arrived, a very happy Diane came running out. She immediately hugged Elizabeth.

"I was so worried!" She exclaimed.

"I'm okay, Diane!"

"You've gotta tell us all what happened!"

"I-I would rather not talk about it. If you want, Gowther can read my mind and tell you that way but I don't wanna be in the room when he does."

"That's understandable. I hope nothing too bad happened."

They all headed inside the tavern, and everyone crowded around Elizabeth, asking how she was feeling, what happened, etc.

"Gowther- Huh? Where is he?" Elizabeth asked.

"I think he left to go find a book to read." Merlin said.

"Oh, well where's Elaine?"

"She's at the Fairy King's forest." Ban said.

"I guess you'll all have to wait to find out what happened then."

"Why can't you tell us?" King asked.

"She said she doesnt wanna talk about it." Diane replied.

"I think I'm gonna go take a nap. Using all that magical energy wore me out." Elizabeth said, heading upstairs. Meliodas followed closely behind.

Soon they made it up to their room. Elizabeth changed into a white button up shirt and put shorts on and crawled into bed.

"Do you wanna tell me at least?" Meliodas asked quietly. He was obviously worried. He heard Elizabeth quietly sobbing. He turned around and cuddled up next to her.

"Hey, it's okay. You're safe now, and you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." He said.

"Mel, he- he tried to do bad things to me." She said. Her words sounded choked up, like she could barely get them out. Meliodas got mad, but he kept it hidden for her sake. He continued to comfort her.

"Elizabeth.." He whispered. "It's okay, I promise you I'll never let that happen again. The day we met I promised I'd always protect you. Do you remember that?"

Elizabeth wiped her tears away and smiled. "Yeah, I do."

"That promise still stands today, 3000 years later. I'll never ever let anything bad happen to you ever again. For as long as we live."

"Meliodas, I love you." She turned around.

"I love you too. Now, get some sleep."

With that, Elizabeth snuggled into his chest, tracing it lightly through his shirt as she slowly fell to sleep. She always felt safe in his arms.

Meliodas knew he had to protect her from here on out. He couldn't afford to lose her forever. She was too precious to him and it broke his heart just thinking about it.

But for now, he was going to enjoy the time they spend together.

omg this seems like a really good ending so i think i'm gonna end this book here.

okay okay book 3 is up next then i think that'll be the last one but idk it's up to you guys. i'll make as many books as y'all want!

i hope you all enjoyed this book!

comment some suggestions for the next book!

ALSO, if you all privately message me i'll add your oc's in the next book, but only 3!

all i need to know is this;
1. personality
2. looks
3. magic abilities and race
4. the name (obviously)

anyways, have a great day/night! see y'all in the next book!

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