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The door chimes always makes me giddy when I hear it.


I tall guy came in, almost pale skin, dark hair which was styled looking like a shroom he is. Facial features are  perfect like a celebrity.

"Oppa!" I greet him cheerfully. It was over a week since his last visit, "What brings you here?"

"To buy your beautiful flowers, ofcourse!" He smiled brightly. The smile was too annoying so I knew he must have something up on his sleeves.

A prank?

"Guessing by your smile..." I hum, faking I was deep in thought, "For a girl?"

He laughs but continued to lean forward to a counter I was standing behind, "There's only two girls I'll only give flowers to." He raises a finger and starts counting, "One for my mother and second to you."

Yikes! Can he stop flirting with me already?

"Yugyeom! Get out!" I annoyingly said, he wants to tease me again.

"I know you date guys and girls but why can't you give me a chance?" His voice was serious and deep when he said it, girls must have fallen for it already.

But me? I don't.

"How many times should I say it? I'm not into dating. I'm too busy!" I said and he pouted at me childishly.

"Busy? But you just sit there everyday."

Well.. That's true.

I don't actually know why I don't feel the urge or the importance of dating right now.

"I run business." I hissed, that kind of hurt me, "And you? You just pose everyday like a statue!" He was a model to be exact for fashions and CFs that you watch across your Korean TV.

"I don't!"

"You do!"

"No, I don't!"

"Yes, you do!"

Yep, we are always like this.

"My god. I've missed bickering with you." He finally gave up and we both chuckled.

I let him be when he stroll away to my wooden counter. He picks the flower he always buy and gave it to me and the arrangement would always be simple and plain so I didn't mind asking him.

"Chaeyoung ah." He called out while I wrap his flowers to a newspaper, giving it protection.


"Do you have a list of your japanese flowers?" He asked.

"Are you looking for a specific one?"

"I just want to give the list to my japanese friend, she's actually missing Japan so..." He crooks his neck and starts doing incoherent movement after, like he don't know what to say more.

He actually looks like he's having a seizure.

I laugh shortly, "I don't have a list but I do have japanese flowers here. Maybe you can just tell your friend to visit my shop?"

"I already did." He clicks his tongue and pointed a gun finger at me.

"You're weird." I laugh again before giving the flower he have bought.

He paid and said his thanks after and I sit in my chair and waits for another chime.

Something then hit me.

Yeah? I just sit here all day, and I earned it.

I was a struggling photographer back then. I was an undergraduate since I always ditch my Photography classes because I was just sketching the whole time, and I have finally decide to transfer to another field which is Fine arts. I graduated with my Fine arts degree, older than normal age since I transferred too late.

I continue on getting jobs on Photography field since I needed money and there's a little less money on having a Fine arts degree comparing to Photography which was a trend that time. Day and night I get this gigs and short time jobs. Thankfully, my parents are not relying on me since they have their own business. So I have all that earned money for me.

On an occasion, my friend introduced me on investing a property, so I risked all my stake. It was rough at first but suddenly the market boomed, and I was included on that booming effect. So I made up my mind to build this flower shop, looking at all this enticing flowers and also a craft shop next to the divider. It feels great when someone loves your passion, the customers fills my heart when they show how happy they are with my own creation.


The door chimes echoed as someone came in. I stood up behind the counter and smile at the customer and she gave me the same. I let her look around - customer repels when you follow them with a look and I'm not fond on making them uncomfortable.

But today, I sat on my chair and rolled it by edge of the counter, peeking through it.

I know it's strange.

I saw the girl sits on one of the section of flowers she's interested to, she was smiling when she held on it. It was the section with the Japanese flowers.

I slowly drag my seat back when she was going forward the counter, not wanting to be caught that I'm eyeing her.

Holding a bunch of flowers by her hand, she placed it infront of me as I stood up.

"Ah! Tsubaki!" I exclaim, almost too excited looking at the flowers infront of me.

Tsubaki; although this can be found in Japan, it is also available and known to different countries as Camellia.

She chuckled softly at my retortment, and that's when I felt more strange.

I secretly tried to sneak a look of her - she had this long brown kind of wavy  hair that looks unreal, beauty marks all over her face and her gummy smile looking at the flowers I was arranging.

Wow, she was more of a beauty than this flower.

She suddenly looked at me, she might have felt my stare but I couldn't look away.

Did she cast a spell on me?

"Is it done?" She asked, and I look at the flower beneath me.

Shoot, I didn't even started yet!

"Sorry. What kind of arrangement would you like? Or do you want to leave it as it is, perhaps?" I asked.

She hums as she think about it, "I'm going to display it by my table so you might want to suggest an arrangement?"

"I see. Oval flower arrangement it is." I said, it'll look good on it I know.

I start to arrange it and she was just looking at me doing it. I just want to remind myself that it's winter but my body is furiously sweating.

"H-here." Why did I stutter?

"Thank you. I'll come back for another japanese flowers." She reassures me with her sweet voice.

Speaking of Japanese...

"Are you?" I called out before she walks away.

"Sorry?" She squinted her eye when she looks back at me, indicating she didn't heard me at first.

"Did Yugyeom refer you to my shop?"

"Yeah! You know him?"

"He's a friend of mine."

So she is the friend Yugyeom was talking about.

"I see. Anyway I got to keep going." She clutch her purse between her hands and left.

I wonder if Yugyeom is interested with her?


Memories (Michaeng / Completed)Where stories live. Discover now