Author's note

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Hi, readers.

As of today the story have ended. I know you feel sad, angry, shocked or emotional right now. I'm also truly saddened when I wrote the last chapter that I have to close my eyes everytime to feel the pain of the person in the story, it broke my heart too.

Sad ending is inevitable. I wanted to have an impact on this story, and drive your emotions by just reading and flowing everything to your mind because novels are great and portrays the feeling like what movies does too! 

Anyway, I'm thankful to all who have appreciated this story eventhough it hasn't have a happy ending. I also appreciate so much the commenters that gives joy to me for every reviews of their feeling for every chapters. 

I couldn't reply to all comments with the last chapter. I know you guys are emotional, I'm really sorry that it has to happen. But every comment on the last chapter was still appreciated because I knew then that you've been greatly affected by the story and you were attached to it. 

In the end, it was a great story. Say it!!! :))

For my future endeavors, I'm planning to have a story with multiple one shots because I'm starting to like writing some of it and if it gains attention, I could just pull out that one shot into a multiple chapter fanfic story. 

I also have a fantasy genre, Michaeng drafted story, but I don't think it's ready yet but then, just so you know I'll make it a happy ending so stop cursing me in your minds. Hahahahha

Please subscribe/add me to have an update of my upcoming stories. Thank you! Peace out!

Regards your author,

w: @S7ven-

aff: S7vennn



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