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"Fuck, fuck, fuck

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I cursed as I hurriedly hop inside my car. It took me longer to get ready.

My god, Chaeyoung. You don't even have that much clothes.

I decided to go back at my apartment and wear something nice but failed when I choose to simply wear a long brown coat with a black shirt under it, pairing it with a khaki pants.

I looked at my watch, and I'm officially fifteen minutes late at my date.


This is just a dinner. I mentally slap myself warming up my delusional expectations off.

I made a lot of weird groaning sounds reaching out a vacant parking by the sidewalk. I ran by the pavement waiting for the lights to turn red, so I can crossover. I was jogging in place, heaving as I look upfront.

This is not a good impression.

I was about to cross but was halted when I saw her - Mina. She was just late, as I am.

My voice were about to call her over when I saw someone pulls her by her wrist from behind. I haven't had a good look since the cars passing by were making it too hard for me but clearly, Mina didn't want a conversation with that person when she swats away the hand off of her.

I didn't want to intervene but I didn't like what I'm looking at right now. The person was giving too much force to Mina, no one ever likes that.

I blame the traffic lights when I finally cross at the other side of the road, the second time.

"Hey." I held the person's left shoulder by the back.

It was a girl.

She have a blonde hair up to her jaw, she was skinny and tall but her built was just right. She's good looking but her boyish charms took over that beautiful face.

"What?!" She shrug away my hand, her voice was husky and rough that shook me out on my thought.

"Leave the girl alone." I acted like I didn't know Mina and I receive a scoff from the person infront of me.

"Jeongyeon." Mina reached for her but this Jeongyeon raises a finger at her and faced me.

"Mind your own business." She's insanely arrogant.

I gave her a smirk and pushed her by her chest, "If I say leave the girl, fucking leave the girl."

That's the moment I had a fist on my face. My hand instinctedly held on to the ground to keep me from falling. I shakily stood up and held my bleeding lip.

"Jeongyeon! Stop it!" Mina stresses out her word and that put me in an adrenaline rush.

As Jeongyeon was about to face Mina. I landed my fist to her face that made her fall over on the ground.

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