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Yesterday's the moment I told myself that I'll hold on. If she's not staying, I'll stay. If she's avoiding me, I'll keep myself closer. If she's running away, I'll hold her.

Monday, I gaze upon my clock, it was already 10:00PM. Busy by the shop, and talking with other clients that wants to rent some of my property for vacation. I hassled to bring myself here, at her apartment.


"What are you doing here?" She skipped a bit, nevertheless that didn't stop her to open her door with her keys.

"Mina, I just want to say sorry and I just want to make myself clear."

"Go home. It's late, I'm tired." She breath deeply taking a short glance of me before closing her door.

She didn't even let me in.

Next day, I tried to make it up by the morning. Like a stalker... I mean admirer, I've wait for her to come out at her condo unit.

Tuesday, 05:30AM. I checked the date and time again on my digital wrist watch.


"Chaeyoung." She looked at me, her mouth a little parted with each other and there were no expression by her eyes.

Same dead eyes never left mine when she closed and locked her door.

"I just want to give you this." I handed her an americano coffee.

She hesitated, staring at it for a full minute. I was happy when she finally took it, she nodded a few times reading the label from it before glancing back at me.

"Thank you, but I hope you won't do things like this anymore." She said before walking away, leaving me dumb.

Wednesday 8:45PM. I checked my analog wrist watch this time, looks like the digital one have curses on it.

Kicking some few snow fragments by the foot of her office, I've waited for her.

I shivered through my thin sweatshirt when the breeze softly touched my bare skin. I forgot how nights can be this chilly, so I jog around to make up a heat around my body.

Going round and round for a few times, glancing by the office entrance of Mina. I've waited and jogged till she appeared on that huge door.

"Mina!" I toothily smiled and waved, like we were okay. "Hi."

"Are you okay?" She said wiping some of the beads of sweat by my forehead.

"I've jogged around, I thought it won't be that chilly."

"You know it's always going to be chilly. Here." She put her right hand on her coat pocket and lend me out the hot pack she have.

"Thanks." I smiled again upon receiving it, "So, Mina."

Memories (Michaeng / Completed)Where stories live. Discover now