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Mina walks in clutching her purse but slowed down when she saw me.

How many days was it when the last time I saw her. One? Two? Three days I guess.

"Hey." She greets me and looked around.

"Hi." I replied while she's still searching for a person or thing, "Are you looking for someone?"

"Dahyun said you're not gonna be here today?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"She said you told her that you'll skip this day?"

"What?" I looked at her in disbelief, "DAHYUN!" I shouted over the counter pointing it towards the craft section because she's obviously sleeping there.

"I KNOW! SORRY, MINA!" She shouts back and Mina puffs her cheeks.

"That's fine!" She half shouted with her soft voice.

Being loyal to her flower. She grabs the bunch of it and reached out to the counter and that's me.

"Are you avoiding me?" I asked when I realize how she conspires with Dahyun.

"No. That's not the thing."

"I see." I said but I wasn't convinced, "Here." I hand her the flowers giving my stern look, letting her know I quite find her reply hard to believe.

"How are you?" She asked, staying infront of the counter. Did she just asked me first? "Chaeng."

"I.. I'm doing okay."

"Please smile for me. I don't want to ruin your day."

"How 'bout this." I gave her my weirdest smile. Ofcourse, we both laugh on how lame I was.

"Thank you, Chaeyoung." She said and scurried away, a smile still plastered on her face.



It was the moment everything turns to a slow motion when she was looking right behind at me.

I still find her beauty mind blowing. Nothing's change from the flowers you could see around from that gorgeous face.

My memory came back from this scene but I still decided not to play along. I walk my way by the door and she gave me an impatient look, I wonder if everything goes slow-mo for her too.

From my memory I should say, You want to have some coffee, first?

"If you're not avoiding me, you should accept a breakfast with me."

"Sorry. I'm in a hurry." But she still said the same words, she must have not been aware of it.

"Dinner then? By the porch?"

Memories (Michaeng / Completed)Where stories live. Discover now