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"Hi, flirt!" I greeted to the shroom wearing a black shirt with a patched letter - M, by the left chest.

Yugyeom came in again after three days. He was looking at me with a furrowed eyebrows.

The good thing about my shop is, it's close to the entertainment industries and celebrities always choose flowers to give or keep for theirselves.

"What do you mean by flirt?" He acted cluelessly but maybe he was clueless.

"The japanese 'friend' have bought some flowers here the last day." I air quoted.

"Ah." He shortly said and then smile.

"Is that your girl?" I asked because he doesn't look interested at all.

"I told you, Chaeyoung. There is only two gi--"

"Shut it." I covered his mouth when he came closer and leaned her elbow to my front counter.

"Are you jealous?"

"Can you stop it already?"

"Oh I see now." He looks around first and signs me to move closer as he whisper, "You like her?"

"Yah!" I pushed him away as he laugh at me, "Can you make some sense next time?"

"I don't blame you if you do." He shrugs his shoulder and I wrinkled my forehead looking at him, "Who wouldn't fall for that beauty, right?"

"So you admit that you like her then?"

"Everyone likes her. She's popularly beautiful but anyone didn't stand a chance on her."

"You sound like a loser." I teased him but he nonchalanty smile at me.

"Let me buy my mom some flowers."

He headed again to his favorite spot and flower - Chrysanthemum, for his mom's grave. That's how we actually got to be friends, he always buys his mom some flowers and we happen to have a lot of chat because of that. He was a warm and friendly person so I didn't had a hard time making friends with him.

Except that he really likes to tease me.

"Here you go, shorty." See? He's a teasing machine, "Maybe try to bring some comb for your hair? You always look messy."

"I don't have time to stay pretty. I'm not a statue like you."

He scoffs at my statement, "Then cut your hair short so you won't have to deal with it."

"Finally, you're making some sense."

"Mina might find you attractive."

"Who's Mina?"

"The japanese 'girl'." He air quoted mimicking me.

Oh okay, so Mina it is.

"Now you are saying nonsense things again."

Memories (Michaeng / Completed)Where stories live. Discover now