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Time flies so fast

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Time flies so fast. It was already six months since I was in comatose. My friends are frequently visiting me by the shop, especially Nayeon.

I started doing some part time job as a photographer. I just want to, not that I needed money. I felt like I was busy with something before that my body wants to go places back and forth. Aside for being a small time photographer, I was also assisting photographers. I don't mind getting commanded around and just packing stuff for them.

I was still visiting my doctor and I told him I've already stop on writing down things I don't remember because I felt like it's not important. I was still clearly myself and they have also confirmed that there were no damages at my brain from the several test. They have suggested me to go for a therapy but I declined. My doctor said on a simpler note that some of my memory might have burned out because of the sudden accident, resulting of me to forget a person. I might have been thinking hard about Mina that time but it's all in the past now.

And yeah, Mina.

She might have already gave up on me since I don't see her much often. It's not that I don't mind but I didn't feel anything between us. The short haired girl is really stunning, I don't mind if I fake that I love her and try to flirt with her but I don't have the urge to date right now like what I always say to Yugyeom.

First three months was kind of stressful for the both of us. Whenever we see each other accidentally at parties and by my shop, we always push each other away.

On parties, there was a time when Nayeon shoot daggers at me and she would twitch her lip that I try to talk to Mina, because clearly she was experiencing some painful dent that I have made to her life. I tried to make it more discreet when I approach her, but I know everytime that she looks at me, she knew I was just faking it or I don't care that much - much that she wanted me to care for her.

"Hi." I said, sitting on a colorful stool chair by the glowing bar counter.

"Stop doing this, I'm fine." She replied coldly, entertained by her cocktail instead of looking at me.

"Just making a little talk." I said and that's the time she finally looked at me, but it was just a glance.

She smiled shortly and nodded, "I'm fine."

I stood up after, hinting that she doesn't like my company. And I'm in no way would make myself an annoyance to her, "I'll get going then."

We've started to avoid each other completely when there was this time when I was with Nayeon on one of the statues parties again. I was going to the restroom when I heard them talking; Mina was unstable, crying, it was a clear conversation for me even if the restroom door was just slightly open.

"I can't take this." She mentally breaks down, her breathing was a mess.


"It's killing me." Her sniffs and voice was muffled so I bet Nayeon have hugged her for comfort.

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