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Closing my eyes, I felt the wind gushes at me like her touch that needs warmth. All at once; Everything came back.

The japanese girl, holding her pink flowers, her cheeks says pink as well, shining infront of me.

Her gummy smile when she almost win the billiards, but she didn't.

The cool summer breeze at our Jeju trip. The place where our lips came as one.

Red sting upon my lip, wanting to save her from her past that she didn't deserves.

Missing your smile, touch, eyes, and your unfaze beauty when I visited you again with your pink favorites.

The back of my car that serves as a gateway to a bliss that goes on because we continuously long for each other.

The jealousy that creeps on me, the territorial me, the possessive me that claims you.

The moment I hide and lied about your ex being with my bestfriend.

I found everything, but reality is breaking me apart.

[Chaeyoung, Mina needs you here.]

Staring outside and sitting by the rooftop. I saw the lights on each of the fireflies, dancing. It was beautiful, the world was always colourful as it seems.


"I can't."

[Do you think Mina would like to see you sulking there?]

"Fuck off, Nayeon. Don't say her name like she's still here."

The world was... but now it wasn't. Our story was really fucked up like how we have talked about it. I never knew that the world would drag as down tragically.

It was always the universe playing with us or was it me? That's easier that way, taking all the blame to my shoulder.

[Chaeyoung --]

Ending the call, I didn't know why I still bothered talking to them. Maybe I'm looking for something to hold, or a hope that I could lean on.

The fireflies came dancing again, and whenever I tried to touch them they would be flying up in the air, matching with the stars. The moon was a lamp to them.

Mina, you always loved the view here.

My memories are now a curse upon me. Her voice is a sad song, I'll put on repeat inside my head while it tugs my heart.

I wanted to feel her warm embrace but she left me with nothing, so I play this memories trying to linger her around me because I don't want to lose her but I already did.

Come back.

I'm not that strong as you are.

I was gripping onto something too hard before I knew it, shivering my thought away. Another call went in, together with the doorbell. I peaked beneath the roof and saw Jeongyeon, pressing the doorbell impatiently.


[Open the fucking door. It's freezing!]

"Stop it already."

[We're not going to finish that fucking funeral without you visiting Mina!]

"She's dead, what more should I say to a fucking dead person."

[She've waited for you in the hospital before. She didn't know if you'll wake up or shit. Grow some balls and visit her!]

"Jeongyeon." I looked up at the sky again. I'm so numb right now, the cold couldn't help me to feel anything, "She's dead and I wasn't."

[I know... and I know she loves you so much. She wants to see you.]

"I don't want to see her."

[She's waiting.]

Memories flashed through me; her warmth, her hands rippling my shirt while whining about making her wait for too long.

She was sweet. Full of touches instead of words.

"She is."

[So open this door and I'll take you to her.]

"You can't."

[I can, if you move your ass down here.]

"I'm the only one who can take myself to her."

[What the fuck are you saying?!]

"She'll cry again if I'll make her wait for too long."

[Fucking open the door!]

She is.

She's waiting.

I approached the edge of the roof and spread my arms out, the cold breeze, my new blanket from this sheering pain. But I couldn't even tear up from the endless crying I've made for some weeks now.

Your farewell is too destructive. Your revenge is too much.

Hearing the police siren coming, I remember how Jeongyeon always have something up on her sleeves but it's too late.

Mina, tell me you love me.

I love you.



"Fuck." The girl was getting insane, it was too much for her. Her eyes wide as she couldn't believe what she have seen earlier, and everytime she closes her eyes. The horrible image just hits her hard.

"What happened?!"

"She fucking." She couldn't held it anymore when her knees gave up, her tears flooded her palms as she covered it with her face, "She fucking jump from the roof."

"Where is she?! What did the doctor said?"

"She's dead."

Those memories were poisonous. It slowly killed her.


Memories (Michaeng / Completed)Where stories live. Discover now