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"Someone's happy again!" Dahyun says when I enter, skipping by my shop, "If I could only knew what makes her happy, I'll have a good tease for it!"

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"Someone's happy again!" Dahyun says when I enter, skipping by my shop, "If I could only knew what makes her happy, I'll have a good tease for it!"

"Better that you don't know it."

Suddenly, I was pushed forward when someone opens the door behind me. Intentionally making me fall.

"Sorry, shorty." Yugyeom laughs from his common pranks.

I'm surrounded by clowns and pranksters.

"Can't you see I was by the door?" I rolled my eyes at him and stride on one of the seats infront of the counter, placed for the waiting customers.

"I didn't noticed, maybe because you were too small."


Like any other day, he picks his loyalty and reached out to Dahyun, who's behind the counter for the arrangement. Dahyun knows his arrangement as well so like me, she didn't bother to ask.

"Dahyun." He calls out and I didn't know why I felt there's something about me that he's going to say, "You don't look at your friend that much, don't you?"

"What?" Dahyun squinted her eyes and I was curious too. For sure, I'm that friend he's talking about.

"Come here." Yugyeom then motions for me to stand. I obligely do so, and looked at him cluelessly, "Love bites."


I hurriedly swats Yugyeom's hand by my neck collar. It was almost on the far back of my neck that I didn't noticed. I started to cover it with my hand and hissed right at him.

"Jealous?" I teased him.

"No. I'm actually happy."


"That you're happy now, smiling all the time. I hate grumpy you."

I was frozen, staring at him for a moment. I couldn't comprehend on why he would say that.

He's happy that I'm happy? Are we even bestfriends for him to say that?

"Here you go, love bird. Fly now." Dahyun said flaying her hand to him.

He said his goodbye to us and we did the same.

I gave a perplex look at Dahyun after, you can't even draw the face that I'm trying to make infront of her.

"He's clearly inlove with you." Dahyun beams a smile right at me.


I didn't know if I'm the only one missing out something because definitely they know what is up.

I was out of trance when my phone vibrated. A smile creeps on my face, seeing the name above it - Mina.

From hour to hour, We usually communicate through text, she didn't like phone calls since she travels a lot in town and gets sudden jump scares because of the ringtone. I find it great, since I didn't like to answer calls as well.

Memories (Michaeng / Completed)Where stories live. Discover now