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"Hi, Mina

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"Hi, Mina."

[Hello, baby. You've called?]

We were always getting lunch times together for two weeks now, but an hour was really too short for me. We haven't done anything beyond extreme, I mean sex. Don't get the wrong idea, it's not the only thing I want from her but the defenses she have upright when we were both heating up, I felt like I still don't have her trust yet. But that's not the only thing to know if she trust me. She's just a little off at times when we go deeper. I'm worried and confused.

"Can I take you to dinner, later?"

[Are you still coming for lunch?]

"Dahyun called in sick today."

[So, no lunch?]

"Yeah. No lunch but dinner is fine?"

[Dinner is fine. Meet me here?]

"Ofcourse, 7pm?"

[Yap. See you.]

"See you, babe."

[Don't call me again. I told you I hate to pick up calls.]

"You can just reject it if you don't want to."

[You're the only call I won't reject, so shut it.]

"Understood. I love you."

[Sweet. Bye.]

See? She's avoiding beyond feelings.

"Chaeyoung ah. It's not like I don't want you to use my name to be an excuse for your plans with Mina but I'm getting too much bad impression to her. I'm a hardworking employee."

I laughed out loud on her banter, "Sorry, Dahyun. I felt like I needed to."

"That's fine but I think you can just stop putting up an excuse, it's unnecessary."

"I just hate how I'm so whipped for her and she's not. How can I do it lightly?"

"Don't ask me that!" She stomped her foot and wrinkled her forehead. "I know, I'll call Nayeon."

"No! Don't call that evil witch!"

"Hi, Nayeon." Dahyun pressed the speaker phone after getting a reply back, "Chaeyoung said she's too whipped for Mina while Mina isn't, and she wants to take it lightly."

[What the heck is wrong with that kid?]

"I know. She's getting crazier day by day. I think she needs to go to her monthly check up."

Memories (Michaeng / Completed)Where stories live. Discover now