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"Unnie is here!"

Nayeon greeted me on a morning rush hour, she was happily skipping inside my shop. She might be attending some events today as she have a light make up on but still on her casual gray shirt.

"Maybe try to act like an Unnie?" I tease and she pouts cutely at me, "Hey, want to grab some coffee?"

"Sure! Is Dahyun here?" Nayeon said and her question was answered when she glance at her left side, the pale as snow girl, taking the usual nap at the craft section.

I have woken her up before I head out with Nayeon at the cafe just a few blocks away from my shop.

"So? How have you been?" Nayeon asked poking the bruise on my lip.

"It's all healed up." I replied, "You?"

"Same thing, singing out my heart there." She sheepishly smile at me and sips her coffee, "Hey, are you dating Mina?" My coffee almost fell out of my hand from the sudden question.

"We've just met!" I said wiping off some coffee that I almost spill by the table.

"There's a thing that we call, love at first sight."

"And that clearly didn't work for us."

"Maybe stop bringing out our past relationship?" She gave me an evil eye look, her two protruding teeth giving me a cute evil bunny look instead.

"Fine, but like what I have said we've just met."

"Stop being so dumb. Mina have her eyes on you."

"How can you even say that?"

"Since you ditch us in Jeju. She was worried sick looking for you and found you on a god damn rooftop that no one will even try to look for you there."

"She's worried, doesn't mean she likes me."

"Oh my god. That's why relationships don't work for you."

"Who's bringing up the past now?" I said raising my right brow at her.

"Me. Maybe try to have more initiative rather than waiting."

"I'm not having this conversation with you."

"You're growing old and grampy, man up."

"Fine, fine, fine." I said. I just want her to stop talking about myself.

"Do you like Mina? Scratch that, I could see that you really like her."

My mind started to paint her face again. I just realized how much I'm too whipped for her, maybe I could even buy her a star and name it after her.

"She's sweet and lovely, how can you not fall on an art like her." I stated rather than questioning. I tried to keep my whipped self concealed.

"I bet these bruises is one of your infatuation for her."

"Nayeon, you know how I get exhausted talking about things like this."

"Fine, I'll stop." She raises her hands infront, "Anyway, can you come at one of my gigs tonight?"

"You're alone?"

"Yeah, everyone's kind of busy lately."

"I told you get a boyfriend already."

"You just don't go at the streets and grab one." She hissed right at me but I already gave my nod to her.

"I'll go, just text me the time and location."


We separate ways once we had exit the cafe.

I reminded myself to take a foot forward when it comes to a relationship. Wait? Relationship? I'm not even sure if she can call me someone close to her.

I sat on a bench near a park that I have pass by before my shop. It was freezing but I wanted a different environment from time to time.

Morning. Hope you already ate breakfast?

Morning too. I did. How are you?

I smile when I perceived that Mina was trying to ask how I was, or was it because of the bruises that her ex have given me.

Doing fine. Sorry about coming in late yesterday at your place.

Atleast I have flowers. Thank you again!

I can bring you a load of truck if you want to.

You're cocky.

Kidding! Just checking on you, I know you're busy.

Thanks for checking, mom. Gotta go! Take care

You too, angel


Memories (Michaeng / Completed)Where stories live. Discover now