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"Okay, someone's happy

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"Okay, someone's happy." Dahyun welcomes me with a weird look on her pale face, "And looks like frankenstein."

"I know." I hissed at her while making my way by the counter.

"What happened? I didn't know having dinner with Mina would be this hard."

She's starting to tease again on this godly morning. I scoffed and looked at her in disbelief.

"I just... got myself into some mess." I didn't want to intervene with Mina's life, it would be just fine to let it.

"That's some raging drama." She clicks her tongue looking at me, "Did you landed some punch?"

"Yeah, ofcourse. I wouldn't sleep without me getting my revenge over my face."

"Good, because you look shitty."

Can they stop reminding me?


"Oh wow. What happened?" Yugyeom came in. He had his confuse face looking at me too.

"You know boys, they get into a fight." Dahyun says and snickered hastily by the craft section furiously typing a long ass message on her phone but I bet she's taking a nap again.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about it."

I setback behind the counter when he already grab through the flowers he always had.


I wrap it up like how he wanted, and gave it to him. He said his thanks and left. Shortest conversation I had with him, we both didn't mind.


"Unnie is here!"
"Unnie is here!"

The two person scrambles in at my narrow glass door, unable to fit themselves.

"What are you doing?"
"What are you doing?"

I laughed to the both of them saying the same thing at the same time and looking like a puppy trying to find there way in at the playground.

"Go take a picture." Nayeon told Jihyo once they have finally set foot infront of me.

Jihyo starts to capture my beaten face as I covered it.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, Dahyun sent us a text message that you were beaten."

"That doesn't anwer my question."

"We wanted to know the story, that's why we are here, duh." Jihyo said rolling her eyes at me.

"I don't really want to talk about it."

"But surely someone treated it." She reached out to my eyebrow and I checked by the reflection of my phone to see some fresh band-aid was on it.

I haven't had a shower this morning. I just went straight to the shop from Mina's place. She must've replaced it while I'm sleeping.

That's thoughtful.

"You're such a kill joy. Anyway, I was really with Jihyo and we were at the cafe." Nayeon said.


"That's why both of us had drop by." Nayeon stuck out her tongue at me. I like how annoyed she is with me right now, "Let's go!" She drags Jihyo with her and left.

I fumble the sticky notepad on my coat's pocket when I was now left astray with my thoughts.

I was also beaten by tiredness last night as I fell asleep mindlessly with a warm hand over mine. Nothing happened, not that I'm assuming for anything. I woke up without her on the bed and was left with this sticky notepad that says, she left early and reminded me to lock her door.

I still couldn't believe it, how she held my hand. She was so vulnerable and fragile, maybe she really needed a friend to comfort her - happy, I was there.


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