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About a year ago I was at my friends house and we were making "potions" by filling plastic buckets with water and putting flowers and grass in them and stirring them up and I had finished mine and she comes up and dumps the water out, aiming it at me, about 1/4 hit me and the rest was dumped out and lost and I was so mad because I had worked really hard on that potion and she had a sawtooth palm tree growing in her yard and I ripped an entire leaf off so I started chasing her around the yard literally whipping her with it and then I tackled her and grabbed her potion and dumped the entire thing on her head.

Best day ever.

And the strange thing is that a week after I tried to pull a leaf off just for fun and I couldn't do it... O_o

Random super strength? Or did the tree know what I needed, and gave me the leaf? It knew I was an elf before I did...

(We're still friends btw)

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