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So, anyone who knows me knows that I have about a million different adventures in Middle-earth, Hogwarts, ect. It's like writing a fanfic in your head so while you're at school I'm saving Leggi's life or something. I was thinking about it and created a basic plotline generator...

So me and [insert 2 or more names from LotR/HP] went to go on a trip to [insert place] but on the way we were captured by [insert noun]. They held us hostage for a while and [insert name of person in {insert 2 or more names}] almost died and so did [another name] but [insert name (or yourself)] saved them, and then [insert name] killed [insert name of person you were captured by] and we escaped! And we were exhausted, but [insert non-group name] and [insert non-group name] found us and took us to [place you were going to]!

Comment yours, I'm enjoying this! Should I make more of these?

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